Oooo! Another politically oriented poll that begs for a rant!
I personally think they are just going to start picking on another small middle-eastern country (the next on their hit list I guess...maybe Iran's to big, or influencial) to further their political agenda in the region. I hope Canada doesn't support the US in this either. The recent track record of the Americans and their 'proof' of threats hasn't been very good. Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? They never did provide proof of a link between the Iraqi government and terrorism. Their 'proof' that the Iraqis were trying to purchase large amounts of uranium oxide from Nigeria (or Niger?) turned out to be a hoax. Its all a smoke screen for some hidden agenda. What that is is hard to say.
The most likely motive, I think, is a stable oil market. The cost of energy has a huge economic impact, particularly on a heavy importer, like the states. Look at how much press and attention Bush's energy plan got before 9/11. Other motives might include imperialism, or additional regional security for Isreal (I think both these are unlikely.... The Americans have never shown much passion for colonialism, and Isreal isn't really threatened militarily, or politically anymore).
I wonder if this is another six month build up towards war in the region.