Canceled my subscription :/


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
No worries, shouldn't be gone longer than a few days after the 26th (moved the funds around to cover an unexpected charge, should be in the account by the 1st or sooner). I'm just getting started with WAR, so many more Destro players I want to greet with my Slayer. :p

Plus I wanna do more of these (we taught Destro the definition of rolled the entire time we defended Altdorf):

/Be back shortly
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<kidding>Sure you come back now but where were you when Destro was killing those helpless npc's yesterday? Do you know how many mountains went un-barreled down because you weren't there? Do you know many players died and had to repawn, forever losing seconds of their lives maybe even minutes because of you and you're so called "real life" DO YOU!?!? Now you have the nerve to waltz in here after four whole days are gone like nothing happened. You disgust me <makes really sour face as I say it>. Keero some hero you are turned out to be abandoning his people in their hour of need ugh.</kidding>
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Srs bznss much? :p

And at least they could respawn after death. >.>
And at least they could respawn after death. >.>

Sure technically they can respawn but I doubt they have the desire to press the button after you've sapped their will to live. Heartless monster! Terrible fiend! BAGEL EATER!... Sorry that last one was a bit much I apologize :p .
No offense taken, I've been eating bagels for breakfast anyways. :p
Only on Thursdays. That's bingo night at the retirement home.

Hey Gerbs, you want a WAR referral? >_> /cackles
Only on Thursdays. That's bingo night at the retirement home.

Hey Gerbs, you want a WAR referral? >_> /cackles

Villainous positively villainous :p . I actually did like the game but I haven't the time for it. I'll give you moral support from the forums though. You just can't beat your own personal forum lurker... not with a stick or any other blunt object. Ah the safety of teh interwebs.

Ooooh Hulu finally fixed the stream on Kekkaishi I'm off for some mindless entertainment errr I mean I'm off for some mindless entertainment that doesn't involve forum posting, later :p .
Hey Keero, my 10-day trial ended on Friday and while I definitely enjoyed my 10 days playing the game, I tossed around the idea of re-subscribing to WAR and didn't get a positive response from my wife. So to avoid the dreaded wife-aggro, I won't be subscribing for the time being. But anything can change, so we'll see what happens in the near future. :)
Sorry to hear that, but glad you had fun. Let us know if anything changes. :D