Car problems, ramping up car research and shopping


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
I also posted this in the Prayer Requests/Praise Reports Forum, but I wanted to post it here as well for the sake of discussing troubleshooting my current car as well as ask for recommendations for a new vehicle:

Yesterday morning, I drove to one of the sites I support. A short while later, I drove to a second site and worked there for a few hours. When I left the second site, my car was shaking while at low speeds. After work, I stopped by a local auto parts store, asked them to read the check engine light codes, and didn't find anything new or scary. On my way home from the auto parts store, my check engine light started flashing. I drove back to the store after dinner, asked them to check codes again, but this time, they couldn't establish a connection with the code reader.

So, as of yesterday, I'm starting the car search in earnest, which means hours upon hours of research and fervent prayers that my current car holds on until I can buy a new one.

So if you have suggestions for keeping my current car running a little longer or recommendations for a new vehicle good for toting 2 small children around safely (decent gas mileage strongly preferred!), please post!
I also posted this in the Prayer Requests/Praise Reports Forum, but I wanted to post it here as well for the sake of discussing troubleshooting my current car as well as ask for recommendations for a new vehicle:

So if you have suggestions for keeping my current car running a little longer or recommendations for a new vehicle good for toting 2 small children around safely (decent gas mileage strongly preferred!), please post!
Engine shudder or something with the tires, brakes, frame or suspension? Where did it feel like it was coming from? The indicator light seems to point to an engine issue.

If it was engine stutter then it could be a fuel flow problem (check the fuel filter) or perhaps spark plugs?

Was there any noise accompanied with the shudder? Any smoke or other smells? Have you lifted the hood to check fluids and visually inspect the compartment?
It feels like engine shudder and it wouldn't surprise me if it was a fuel flow problem. It's been very cold (single-digit temperatures) the last few days.

When I went to the auto store, the guy I spoke with recommended something called HEET -

I put it in the gas tank, but it doesn't seem to have helped. Then again, most of my drives today have been pretty short (no more than 15 minutes), so it may not have had a good chance to mix with the fuel and work its way through the fuel lines.

year make model milage kthanx

Flashing engine light eh? That cant be good:rolleyes: I await a reply, as a home mechanic [SUP]not by choice[/SUP](I have my trailblazers transmission sitting on the porch atm) I'll help the best I can.
It feels like engine shudder and it wouldn't surprise me if it was a fuel flow problem. It's been very cold (single-digit temperatures) the last few days.

When I went to the auto store, the guy I spoke with recommended something called HEET -

I put it in the gas tank, but it doesn't seem to have helped. Then again, most of my drives today have been pretty short (no more than 15 minutes), so it may not have had a good chance to mix with the fuel and work its way through the fuel lines.


HEET is pretty amazing. What you might try doing is letting the car run 15-20 minutes before you drive somewhere to get it good and mixed in.
HEET will work if it is water in the fuel tank or fuel line. Gumout will help if it's the injector. If it's the fuel filter, not sure Gumout will fix that and changing a fuel filter is a PAIN.

In looking for a new car, have you used TrueCar? They claim you can get the average price for the car in your area to get a good idea what a reasonable price is. I'm curious to know if it's helpful or not.
Yeah, I feel like I haven't given HEET a fair chance to do its thing since most of my drives are under 15 minutes. I might pull the car into the driveway some time tomorrow during the day and let it idle for a while to see if it helps.

I drive a 97 Nissan Maxima with ~160,000 miles on it.

I haven't tried TrueCar yet. I've been burying my head in the sand that is Puzzle & Dragons rather than car shopping because car shopping is a horrible, horrible chore. But I need to get over it, grow up, and start staring at AutoTrader and other sites until my eyes bleed.

I looked at TrueCar some when I was car shopping, but didn't put it to the test because I bought used. Will almost certainly be buying used this time, too.
I drive a 97 Nissan Maxima with ~160,000 miles on it.
Yup, yup, with 2 young'uns depending on you it is time to upgrade a little if ya can afford it. For what it's worth if ya haz a slick driving facing ya, a Subaru makes good sense. I drive a 2002 Outback that I bought a few years ago with 80,000 miles on it. It now haz abouts 120k ish on it and it has been rock solid and reliable, and facing slick roads is comfortable in it. Fuel mileage in the 24-29 range combined, the newer ones do even better. A small sedan can hit the 30's in mpg. The one catch is no biggie, need to allow warm up time for the engine for long life. Of course that goes for most autos and trucks out there.
Tappet noise on mine is boogery scary until warmed up. 3-4 mins is fine. Then again I am an old school driver.
Good news, everyone!

I fixed my car!

I took it to a local tire shop to make sure it wasn't the tire separating (which would have been a major safety hazard), but the mechanic said he suspected the ignition coil. He told me the part would cost $180, which seemed a bit steep, so I decided to shop around.

Long story made short: I bought the part at a local AutoZone the next day, replaced the bad ignition coil, and the car's been running much, much smoother ever since.

I'm still planning to continue the job search, but my car is at least stable for the time being.
Thank you Jesus :) .

Tek was all manly last Tuesday with his coil replacement story. Glad to hear it seems to have done the trick!

I'm still planning to continue the job search, but my car is at least stable for the time being.
You mean car search right? I mean did something happen to your job again and I blanked out on it?
I think he meant car search haha. His fingers are probably still so conditioned to type "job" before "search." But no his job is okay. :-) We don't want to be too rushed in the car purchasing decision though, and we know its days are unfortunately numbered.
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Yes, I did mean car search.

Sorry. Years of muscle memory took over while I was rushing to finish the post. Caring for 2 children and one of them a 2-month old means I have to rush nearly every forum post these days. It's all worth it, of course, but I'll be glad to have the time to proofread my posts before submitting them again.
Yes, I did mean car search.

Sorry. Years of muscle memory took over while I was rushing to finish the post. Caring for 2 children and one of them a 2-month old means I have to rush nearly every forum post these days. It's all worth it, of course, but I'll be glad to have the time to proofread my posts before submitting them again.

I was just concerned and wanted to make sure was all. I make to many typing errors to criticize most people XD.

I mean if you want to be technical most posts are wrong because they neither mention candy nor giving it to that awesome Gerbil. Serious faux pas right there.
Fixed that for ya, :D

I beg to differ there was no mention of candy or my greatness in your post, tsk, tsk. :p

Hey Tek while I am here was it Chariot you mentioned last TF2 Tuesday? If not I had wondered previously if it might be a Tek game. I don't know personally if it's good but it totally looks like a game to play with the missus assuming one has controllers (and a missus). I'm guessing it's fairly short but hey it's on sale so now so check it out if you haven't already.
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My brake and battery lights came on on my dashboard today. Turns out the battery's fine but the alternator is shot. :(

I bought an alternator tonight and I plan to take the car in to a local auto repair shop tomorrow (well, technically now today) morning.

Total cost will likely be over $300.
