Cata - Rogue




Combat is going to be using Mongoose on the main-hand with Black Magic on the off-hand.

Mutilate is double Mongoose

Combat gems:
Red gems = Agility
Yellow gems = 10 agi/10 haste (Deft Ametrine)
Blue gems = 10 agil/10 hit (Glinting Ametrine)

Open with Ambush (or even Garrote) (currently does not allow me to use backstab on the PTR though ive read that combat rogues can now)
Since that will apply 1-2 CP i pop SnD (keep it up near 100% of the time refreshing it as needed)
Adrenalin Rush
Sinister Strike x4 (if you dont proc up to 5 combo points using SS then..)
Revealing Strike (otherwise...)
Rupture (use on the 5th combo point)

ou want to gem for the socket bonus if your gear has...

- a single blue socket (with any number of red sockets), with at least a 6 agility socket bonus
- a single blue socket with a single yellow socket (with any number of red sockets), with at least an 8 agility socket bonus
- a single yellow socket (with any number of red sockets) with any socket bonus
- two yellow sockets (with any number of red sockets) with at least a 6 agility socket bonus

- a single blue socket (with any number of red sockets) with any socket bonus
- two blue sockets (with any number of red sockets) with at least an 8 agility socket bonus
- a single blue socket and a single yellow socket (with any number of red sockets) with at least an 8 agility socket bonus
- a single yellow socket (with any number of red sockets) with any socket bonus
- two yellow sockets (with any number of red sockets) with at least a 6 agility socket bonus
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I've speeced Sub so far on my rogue. SHe's only lvlv 54 tho. Really owns in PvP so far, have one-shotted everything from priests to hunters and even the odd warrior. only thigns that gives me trouble in those pesky DK's. My focus is basically on ambush and getting it to crit. my reg hits are around 1K and my crits go for about 4K so maxing that dmg as much as I can with talents.
Ok ... figured now that the dust has settled, here are my stats: self buffed

AP 5050
Haste 20.34% (667)
Hit 21.88% (550)
Crit 43.22% (757)
Expertise 26/26
Mastery 11.75% (172)

AP 6170
Haste 21.77% (714)
Hit 24.57% (571)
Crit 45.06% (788)
Expertise 23/23
Mastery 11.75% (172)
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Big news, you can acquire the wrathful weapons for honor! Even if it shows a personal rating or arena score, ignore it, it can be bought. I will be upgrading my 245 dagger with the dirk today (lvl 264). Niko snagged the wrathful mage staff yesterday. Wrathful can all be had for just honor points now.

My current offhand ...
Steel Bladebreaker
Binds when picked up
One-Hand Dagger
220 - 331 Damage Speed 1.40
(196.7 damage per second)
(1986 feral attack power)
+58 Agility
+94 Stamina
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 245
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 44 (0.96% @ L80).
Equip: Improves haste rating by 30 (0.91% @ L80).

New offhand dagger ...
Wrathful Gladiator's Dirk
Binds when picked up
Off Hand Dagger
245 - 457 Damage Speed 1.40
(250.6 damage per second)
+118 Stamina
Blue Socket
Socket Bonus: +8 Attack Power
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Requires personal and team arena rating of 2200
in 3v3 or 5v5 brackets
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 44 (0.96% @ L80).
Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 52 (0.55% @ L80).
Equip: Increases attack power by 141.
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