Cataclysm Profession Updates


New Member
I'm starting a crafter thread here to list Cataclysm profession updates. Let's keep it to useful Blue level items for toons lvl 81+ otherwise this list will get a bit crazy. At the present Apollux (Engineer) can now craft:

Scopes: - R19 Threatfinder (+88Hit) - Safety Catch Removal Kit (+88 Ranged Hast)

Ranged Weapons: - Finely Tuned Throat Needler (Crossbow w/ +Haste) - Volatile Thunderstick (Gun w/ +Mastery)

Miscellaneous: - Lure Master 36 Slot Tackle Box (Fishing) - Elementium Toolbox (36 Slot Eng Bag) - Goblin Barbecue (Group Food giving +60 Stamina and +60 One Other Useful Stat)
[7F]LarryBoy;407296 said:
You can also see in-game who can make what by opening the guild roster and setting the view dropdown to "Professions".

Does that work if people are offline though?
Yes, and it is a very effective tool as you can sort by skill level and see who is 525 in any of the given professionals. You can then click on their name (online and offline if you choose) and it will bring up their specific craft for you to search.

What is missing is the ability to search for a given crafted item across all professions on all toons. You are required to search one by one. This thread, at the very least, provides focus on specific items which might not be so common.
Spec is now both 525 in Inscribing and Blacksmithing. I don't have all the Blacksmithing patterns, but I can buy them (they take bars of Hardened Elementium or Pyrium to buy) if needed.

Of note, I can craft the Ebonsteel Belt Buckle ( Yes, those are the mats.
to answer Adam, There is a way to search all crafters under a profession, like... Enchanting.

click on the enchanting tab under the guild profession tab, click the "View All" tab thingy... make sure view offline members is checked. then in the search box search for whatever enchant you are looking for. After you find it, in the bottom left corner there is a view crafters button, click that to see who can make it.

I hope this answers the issues about finding something a guildy can make...
525 Enchanting Achieved I have purchased

Stats to Chest
Boots of the Assassin (Speed + AG)
Speed to Bracers
Mastery to Gloves
I am close to maxing out JCing on Eliezer and have bought most of the caster designs that Golias needs. If anyone has a request for particular designs please let me know.
525 LW focusing on the hunter and caster druid purple patterns. Already have the tank and dps leg purple patterns