CGA and Diablo Questions

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Yes, Yes - i know the title of the URL might put some of you off - but there is nothing irreligious in the article I'm asking you to read, it's simply an exploration of the issues between Christians and Pagans regarding the pentagram. I ask that you read it and, if you still find Pentagrams distasteful and offensive, that we discuss the matter here, where both of us might learn from the other.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]From the sounds of things you might have missed some stuff through having your eyes shut and hiding behind a pillow.

Eon, I find you highly offensive and choose not to discuss this further after this post with you.  YOu are an extremely rude person.  You better learn to show compassion and mercy for someone sharing what God has told them to say.
I will not follow a link that would try to convice me to sway from God's word to me.  

If someone tries to dispute, I wont do it. Paul said to avoid arguing. Once we state the truth...others can take it or leave it, but it is important to STATE the truth, and let others make up their mind...but the Holy Spirit is awesome about reminding them of the truth..once we get it out there!

I dont care what a pentagram started out as, its what it represents now.  Look at my analogies again, something of interest starts out good and small and turns to trouble.  It's always the way the DEvil seems to work.
It's amazing the blasts a Christian will give to another Christian on these boards.  (If you are a christian, I know non-Christians visit, im not sure what you are by your tone)   Perhaps you are convicted yourself on it or something else in your life and it is making you extremley uncomfortable.  So you feel you have to lash out.

I told you I HEARD FROM GOD on this and you choose to cut me down.  
Are you going to actually have ther NERVE to debate that!!!  Anyone?  Anyone?  you got courage...or your crazy.

Good luck to you and God be with you in your decisions in life.
Oh and and when did I ever mention a pentagram? hmmmm was the whole experience of Diablo.  Dont put words in my mouth people

I hate doing this, but I  have to leave this community.
I see there is no tolerence for those that hear from God and share his will with others.  No one gets together to play anyway. Its deader than doornails.. I hate doing this, cause it sounds like I am turning tail and running when I should stand my ground with God at my side.

But I just have to many other health pressures Im giong through in my life to sit here and get flamed by my supposed brothers and sisters.  I just wanted to share with you and help someone.


Dear Jesus come quick, for Christians of this world are watering down the word of God, choosing their own wills,  and forgeting your holyness that is beyond description.
We know God that you do not tolerate the evil and sin that we delve in. I ask for your forgivness and to be with everyone here and help them make the right choices.  Speak to them Father, let them know your will for their lives.
In Christs precious name.
Peace to all.
Hmm im sure this isnt religious discussion....


As for the symbols... all the main symbols for most religions were introduced from a pagan origin. The pentagram is (i think) mean to be bad when its inverted (pointing down) and circled. Linked with the sign of pan or something..

Still i would check a game like diablo out before giving it to my kids.. i dunno much about the game but theres a lagre fiery demon thing on the front cover.. now if thats a good sign then.....
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I hate doing this, but I have to leave this community.
I see there is no tolerence for those that hear from God and share his will with others. No one gets together to play anyway. Its deader than doornails.. I hate doing this, cause it sounds like I am turning tail and running when I should stand my ground with God at my side.

But I just have to many other health pressures Im giong through in my life to sit here and get flamed by my supposed brothers and sisters. I just wanted to share with you and help someone.

I would have figured that you would be better at controlling your temper and such by the impression you try to give off. Sorry to see you go Ethan, I wish you would reconsider. We are all here to game, grow, and learn together. But I understand if your not seeing any of that here. Farewell and God be with you.

I do hope you'll reconsider your decision to leave this community - you certainly won't find my views to be held by the majority. Odin and I don't talk about specific issues unless I seek his council through the use of the runes - but he did give me the gift of wisdom and curiosity which I use to explore issues on my own and draw conclusions accordingly. As for the use of things in the past not being important, but rather what you believe them to mean now (bearing in mind that use is objective and belief subjective) well, Odin is wisdom and his two servants are Hugin and Mugin - that is, thought and memory. Thought is the now but Memory is the then. Both are important.

So you aren't being flamed by your brothers and sisters. You're being questioned by your cousin. ;)

Yeeeh, we're gonna go ahead and move this one to the Religious Discussion forum. I wish I could split threads and move the second portion to a separate forum but, unfortunately, that's not possible.
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