CGA Convention News Updates!


Tribe of Judah Staff Manager
Friday - May 27th
1. Arrivals on Friday in Knoxville at church around 3PM-5PM. (Directions to church and details of church here.)
2. At 5:30 PM we begin dinner at church for social gathering. ($6.00 per person--more details on food available later)
3. At 7PM Tek to give welcome and quick message (1 Hour max)
4. Short break (10 mins)
5. Prayer time and praise & worship? (30 Mins.) --Prayer w\Litsa --P&W w\?
6. Announcements\ Agenda review\intro to leaders (10 minutes)--Elihu
7. End of Friday get together. Staff to stay for another 10 mins for planning.

Saturday - May 28th
1. Meet at church at 9AM. (please bring your Bible, water bottle, hiking clothes, and a backpack if needed.) Donuts provided from Krispy Kreme.
2. Travel to Appalachian Mountains for Walk with God (approx. 1.5 hours)
3. Walk with God (includes hiking, lunch, and message--2.5 hours) --Thad
4. Travel back to church (approx. 1.5 hours) then return to host homes for freshening up\rest\getting ready for game night.
5. Meet up at church at 5PM. for game night.
6. Travel to Celebration Station for game\pizza night. (cost per person approx. $15.00 --includes pizza, game tokens, and unlimited play on outdoor items.) 5:15PM-8:00PM
7. Head back to church at 8PM for service. (allow for break here before starting)
8. Service to begin at 8:30PM (P&W, prayer, message--1.5 hours) --service to be taught by ?? \everone dismissed afterwards\
9. Staff to stay for 10 mins extra for planning.

1. Breakfast is self provided for this day (provided your host family does not feed you)
2. Everyone to meet at church at 9AM for Sunday School. (possible Bible scavenger hunt) --from 9AM-10:15AM w\Litsafalda
3. Service at 10:30AM (break time from 10:15-10:30) last until 12:15PM.
4. Lunch to be catered from Buddy's Bar-B-Q (approx. price per person is $8.00)
5. Rest of Sunday schedule TBD.


Cost Breakdown
Lodging = free (those wanting to stay in a hotel will pay for that seperately)
Meeting space = free
Activities = $15.00 + $20.00 buffer for sunday evening activity
Food = $25.00
Other = $25.00 (for snacks\bottled water\gas for hiking travel\any extra will be donated to church or charity cause chosen by CGA)

Cost Total = $85.00 to Attend
Early registrants & all speakers discount $20.00. = $65.00
Late registrants will pay a penalty fee of $15.00 extra = $100.00

Registration times to be setup as follows:

Early registration = Anytime before March 31st. ($65.00)
Normal registration = Anytime between April 1st and May 15th. ($85.00)
Late registration = Anytime between May 16th and May 25th. ($100.00)

No registrations after May 25th will be accepted.
More info......

Registration page will be up shortly with a link provided in all forums.

Also, here is a what-to-bring list for those so in need of it.
1. Bible, notebook & pen.
2. Clothes for 3 nights and 2 days as well as hiking clothes. (includes church clothes for Sunday morning.)
3. Backpack\satchel for hiking trip as well as water\snacks.
4. Extra money - whether for offering for church or for extra spending.
5. Video game systems\games for fun night.
6. Pillow and sleeping bag or blankets. (to help host home out if need be)
7. Any friends and family members wanting to attend.
8. An open heart and mind.
DOH! Hmmm... Most of the adults who arrange conventions are on the east coast or mid-east correct? If so, :(

I want a convention in California! Or Oregon. Or something. Texas? I don't know.

:confused: Ah well, I REALLY want to see you guys, but of course

*fly to tennesee just for that? no way!*

Maybe next year, my dad will fly on the way, and me and my mom can be dropped off... Whatever. Thanks
Oregon would be an incredibly nice place to visit, even if I do have to hitch-hike.