Church attendance


For weeks, now, we haven't had services due to the lack of attendance. It has gotten me down, a bit, and I wonder what the reason is.

Is Tuesday at 7 a bad time?

If so, then we really need to set a new time. We went for weeks, before, trying to figure this out, and I hope that it doesn't happen again.

Please give your response, so we can straighten things out.
I will kick it off. Horrible time for me. I have two kids and that is the middle of family time. Cleaning up dinner and doing stuff with them. I generally will play after they go to bed on Weeknights (but no set schedule). I do get some time in the afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday.

Saturday mornings and Sunday nights are good times for me as well. I know I am not the normal player, so I am fine with not crafting the services around me.

Blednnyn and I won't be on much due to our in process move but we are hoping to work out this networking prolem so we can at least be online for services. Cant promise when it will e solved as my sisters dsl boots us everytime we try to play daoc on it. Also with the warmer weather comes spring break and yard work and family outtings etc so attendance usually does slow down a bit this time of year. Hnag in there Gyllis I'm sure things will pick up again before to long and keep up the good work. Don't be afraid to take a little rest or find creative interactive ways to witness in game! We miss you all. Cant wait to be back to normal.
I haven't been able to make the services ever since I have a bible study at that time. But realistically, any time of the week in the early evening would be hard for me because of ministry stuff. I tend to be on a bit later like 10pm ish
I regreat I've had some changes in my schedule that prohibit Tuesdays now... I'm game for an alternate time.

- Aij
just checking out the forums guys to see how the old guild I helped form is doing. Noticed you said your dsl was kicking you off. It's actually probably the router. Check with the manufacturer of the router and see if there's a firmware update or if a port needs to be opened.

Glad to see the guilds still going though.

Peace guys.
I also have never been able to attend at that time. I dont get on until after 8 or 9 eastern time, just cant get on that early.
I'd love to attend the services, but its kind of hard when the Albion frontier guards kill you on sight. Guess they don't like celts very much. :(