communion for pets?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kidan @ Mar. 16 2004,4:46)]animals are lacking souls, but that does not mean they won't exist in Heaven. descriptions have animals there, as well since it will be a place of eternal joy, how happy can you be without a cat?
So, will these animals be animals that once lived on earth (i.e. pets), or will they be animals that God created just for Heaven?

And if they're the former, what part of them is existing in Heaven, if not souls?

I know this isn't a subject heavily discussed in the Bible, so if you don't know, that's fine. I'm just inquiring.
I've heard many different ideas on this one, and the one that I have seen (biblically, though I honestly cannot remember the specific Scriptures) is that all living things have souls, but not spirits, which is given to humans only, which gives them their sense of reason.

Therefore, we and only we have the ability to sin because we have choice, which animals do not have.

Since the Fall, all things were unclean, because ADAM, a human with reason(or lack thereof), brought sin into the world.

Now, Christ's sacrifice cleansed everything, according to this idea, thus cleansing the souls of the animals, too.

They backed this idea up with the scripture, "What I have made clean, don't call unclean" (Acts 11), in reference to an animal. If an animal is "cleansed" then how could it possibly not have a soul? ::Shrug:: Just that point of view, I don't know if I totally agree or disagree with it, though it's a nice thought, since I am an animal lover..

I have 7 cats and 2 dogs, and used to have another dog and two more cats, though the dog and a kitten died
....The other we gave to a man with a some sort of muscular degeneration.

it's a gray area if animals have souls I personally don't belive they do, the Bible mentions breathing into the humans not animals.
according to the Bible God made man in his image, does that make us a mini version of God? No I think there is a living perfect spirit inside of us that lives on when we die. So I belive God made us in his spiritual image. Which we cannot phycially see, our bodies are like a temporary shell.
Its the part of you that will not die. the body returns from where it came, but the soul lives forever; christian or not. Animals have no souls, animals can do no right, or wrong. Thats why they were not given rules in the garden of eden, thats why they were not kicked out. I always thought spirit and soul to be the same, but theres alot of controversy on it...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ](biblically, though I honestly cannot remember the specific Scriptures) is that all living things have souls, but not spirits, which is given to humans only, which gives them their sense of reason.
I'd be really interested if you can dig up a verse on that.
Why can I not feel my soul? Why cannot souls be located in one's body? Souls are obviously immaterial, correct? If so, how can my soul recieve any kind of punishment in the afterlife? As far as I can tell, it's not sentient.
science has been searching for it, not sure if it's in the brain in the heart or's of the spiritual realm which does exist but we cannot see or touch it. I have read books of Near Death expeinces recorded by doctors and what not and the patients when hovering over their body can think and feel like themselves but see their body. Freaky and weird I know.
I heard a rumor dunno if its true. Before someone dies they are 21 grams heavier than after they die, and animals are the same wieght immediately before death, and after. I heard something about a movie comming out too. I guess some people suggest your spirit wieghs 21g... Like I said, I don't know the validity of this claim. it could be some other factor we don't take into account. Anyone know anything about this?
I've heard of that too, Master Plan. To be honest, though, it sounds kind of silly to me. I mean, for one thing, there are innumerable things that could cause you to lose 21 grams after death. Second, it seems ridiculous to suggest that one's soul, something that exists eternally in the spiritual realm, has not only a tangible weight, but a weight of 21 grams
Interesting nonetheless, I suppose.
A soul is not something you can see, or feel, but it is there. Just like feelings. You cannot see love, or feel it, but it is there.
ive always been of the impression that love is not an emotion rather its a choice, an action (lust, joy, happiness, etc are the emotions that build up love)
I'm not sure you can choose to love somebody...but I suppose "love" is a rather subjective term. Kind of tough to nail a concrete definition to.
Timor if you try hard enough you can love just about anyone.

there are many people who convince themselves that they love someone, and maybe 2 or 20 years later they decide they do not love that person any more and want a divorce.

Just as the same way we convince our selves we hate someone. most of the time there is no logical reason why you should, maybe you just dont want to sollow your pride so you keep blowing everything up and convincing your self that you hate someone. this is something you usually do subconsciencly, not to say that you can not consciencly do it. although it maybe harder. although you can do it... trust me
Then I suppose the question is, did they ever really love the person? Regardless, they don't have to "convince themselves." People can fall out of love. Love is simply an emotion, and like all emotions, can be quite fleeting. I suppose I just don't feel that "forced love" is "true love". There's a difference betweena mindset and a feeling, ya know?

Anyways, we're kinda getting off topic
i think on the love thing that, you have to go back to greek >_< and remember there are different kinds of love and i believe the kind of love is brotherly or friendship love that can be a choice. like my brother standings really arent that great (understatement) and i really dislike alot of things about him (understatement) but i choose to love him becuase he is my flesh n blood as it were.