
I haven't seen Constantine (and won't). I have read up a bit on it. From what I read it really distorts the truth. I realize it is a secular movie and is not meant to be scripturally accurate, but I don't see any good coming from it. In a world where most people are already confused about the truth, movies like this can only make it worse. A foul mouth and traitorous Gabriel...ack. God making a deal with Satan for the souls of men...ack. Angels being restricted to heaven...ack. Satan loves to mislead people by telling partial truths mixed with lies...I personally see this movie as a continuation of the spiritual war that is being fought for our children and nation.

I don't have a problem with fantasy in general. I really enjoyed Lord of the Rings, but when the word of God is distorted and twisted to make a horror offends me.
I have a friend, who really believes the Da Vinci Code is true. :eek:

How to fool people : For Dummies

Three Rules For Super Punked'ness

1. Mix well known truths with lies
2. Tell 'Good" Lies *most damaging, yet believable*
3. Make sure you know your audience

Golden Rule? Numbuh #1
U mean the Davinci code isn't real.
I actulally liked that book. And we'll never know if some of its true or not. Thats what makes it so good.

Of cource I spen an hour trying to bend a spoon after watching matrix so what do I know.
I heard that there was a new Keana Reeves movie coming out called Constantine where he battles demons. It sounded interesting so I went to watch it, never seeing the previews or reviews. Its an interesting storyline with some excellent special effects. But the foundation of the storyline is Catholic. Its a pretty stupid version of the Catholic with Satan having a son and God bet Satan to see who could better influence the people, and hell having its own version of the bible and junk like that. But if you can get past all the stupid theology, it makes for a pretty interesting movie with a few neat surprises in the end.

So if you want a Christian or theologically accurate movie, this isn't it. But if you want a neat little sci-fi fantasy with some great special effects and an interesting storyline, then I think you might find this movie interesting.

My 2 cents. :)
I saw it

It is a very distorted view of Christianity based heavely upon Catholic theology. It did come from a comic so if you take it in stride as being pure fiction, its an ok movie. It is very gnostic in nature but did come from a fictional source. Below are some of the points that I thought were extremly off:

**************************SPOILERS BELOW!!!****************************************

- God and satan are percieved to be on equal footing with a standing non-interference agreement on earth. Only their minions (angels and demons) can interfere.

- Only certain demons are supposed to be on the mortal plane, others cannot be on earth.

- Reeves plays a sort of exorsist who is damned for commiting suicide when he was younger. This goes into Catholic beliefs that if you take your own life your damned forever with no chance of salvation. (he did not completly die. he died and was rescesitated)

- Gabriel was trying to help Satans son ( the equivilant of Christ) break through to rule on earth and purify mankind through punishment. (sort of force them to turn to God) The plan fails and Gabriel was removed from her (yes, her) immortality.

- Reeves last redemtive act (saving another) secured him a place in heaven. Faith had no part in his salvation.

- Satan saved his life so that he would not die and have a chance again to put Reeves character in hell for all the demons he had banished.

Those are what I can come up with off the top of my head. (I saw it opening night) It is very distorted and bizzare if you look at it from a religous perspective. Very gnostic in theology compared to Biblical beliefs as they are presented. Does this help?

Yes it did come from a comic book...but it is still a twisting of God's word. Whether the movie or the comic book writers did the distortion is of no consequence. In the end the effect is the same. The word of God has been used to make a horror flick that is full of partial truths, lying, killing, cursing, and other immoral material. No matter how 'fun' it is to watch, I can't see anything good coming out of it.
Although this is nothing more than a movie of entertainment, you are right Didasko. True that it is imaginary and true that its has no basis on fact or religious truth. But it is also dangerous to those who know little of religion. People are easily impressionable, and those who know little of the bible will see a Catholic priest and see the bible being read and wonder if its an enactment of something biblical, or if its a movie based on biblical truths.

However, where Satan plants thorns, God plants roses. God has a habit of converting Satan's efforts for good. Where 9/11 happened, hundreds of thousands of people flocked to church to seek answers and comfort. Where Satan sought to kill Jesus, He only furthered God's plan of salvation. Suppose someone sees this movie and becomes intrigued with angels and demons. It certainly looks interesting. It may compel people to talk about it openly, and maybe even ask Christians about what the bible says regarding heaven and hell and salvation. It could happen.

So the movie is an entertaining work of fiction to the strong Christian.
The movie is also a dangerous deception to those who don't know scripture.
The movie is also an interesting tool that might lead people to church for more information.

So the movie is all of these things, good, bad, and neither, depending on the person and their situation.
I found the film entertaining in that it was an interesting twist on the reality of religious theology and prophecy. However I do agree that the film could be potentially dangerous to a person's religious perspective and understanding if they don't know their angels from their demons going into it.
I thought it was great. Fairly original, lots of ideas, good characters. All the people who bash Constantine and other such movies need to remember one thing: it's a story. Just because Constantine portrays Gabriel as "Chaotic Good" doesn't mean they are instigating that it's reality. If you dislike Constantine, then you probably should dislike movies like LOTR and Star Wars. After all, they present alternate religious realities as well. And just because the majority of movie-goers are naive and easily impressionable doesn't mean the movie is at fault.

Gabriel was trying to help Satans son ( the equivilant of Christ) break through to rule on earth and purify mankind through punishment. (sort of force them to turn to God) The plan fails and Gabriel was removed from her (yes, her) immortality.

Inaccurate. Gabriel, in the story, is an "it". The reason I call Gabriel "it" is because they portrayed it as a non-gender, the way real angels should be portrayed.

God and satan are percieved to be on equal footing with a standing non-interference agreement on earth. Only their minions (angels and demons) can interfere.

Not really. At least I didn't get that impression. The way it came across to me was Lucifer is more "actively" involved in the war so to speak, and God is much more subtle and quiet. Doesn't mean He is as powerful as Lucifer. In reality He is more powerful, since he manipulates Lucifer, Gabriel, and Mammon to bring about His will (the salvation of Constantine).

Also, some of you brought up problems with the movie in relation to its Catholic influence. How is that a bad thing? I mean, Catholics are welcome as members in ToJ and CGA, so I'm not sure I understand where everyone is coming from. (Incidentally, I disagree with most Catholic principles but respect their discipline and preoccupation with holiness.)
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Didasko said:
Yes it did come from a comic book...but it is still a twisting of God's word. Whether the movie or the comic book writers did the distortion is of no consequence. In the end the effect is the same. The word of God has been used to make a horror flick that is full of partial truths, lying, killing, cursing, and other immoral material. No matter how 'fun' it is to watch, I can't see anything good coming out of it.

While I see your point, I disagree with your conclusions. There is nothing in heaven or earth that is outside God's influence. God can turn anything to his will and purpose.

Example, a person who has not accepted Christ as the Savior decides to see the movie. If the person has no real knowledge of Christianity, there isn't a lot of damage that can be done to his theology. Because of the movie this person decides to read the Bible or visit a local church. Through those actions this person eventually gets led to Christ.

As a Christian I know that there are only two places I will receive God's word. The Bible and the Holy Spirit. I enjoyed the movie for what it was, a good story. I'm definately not an expert, but I expect most of the rest of the world will see it the same way.

BTW Gabriel was supposed to appear androgenous to the movie audience.
I have three words to say; Just A Movie

If a movie, book, song, or anything like that can make people turn from their religions then maybe they weren't serious in the first place.