Camesis 2 : 5 - 12
(After Pip was called away, day turned to darkness, and there was evening, and there was morning - the second day. And Chivah walked under the sky where the water had gathered in one place which was near a stablemaster. He landed his rear on the ground and his toes got to see under the water. And Chivah felt that it was good. Across all the vegetation, past the seed bearing plants and trees, there was a kind face that Chivah knew from various memories. And Philippi produced tracks in the vegetation, walking past the plants bearing seed and the trees bearing fruit to see if his friend was in good accord. And Philippi saw that he was good.)
"Mind if I sit here?" asked Pip to his friend.
"Not at all. You're always welcome." smiled Chivah in reply as the faeries flew away to the other side of the pond.
"Man. Its really great to see you again."
"It feels good to be home."
"Where have you been all this time? And why haven't you written?"
Chivah tossed a stone into the pond. He was a little mad at himself for his abrupt departure, and he knew he had some things to improve upon. "I was called away to do a job for God."
"Oh really?"
"Yes. I had to do some missionary work in some far off lands. I brought back an Etorr scroll as a reminder."
Pip took the scroll and glanced over it. ( He smiled and handed it back. "God be praised!"
"Yes indeed! But now that my task there is done, I have come home."
Philippi was tossing his own stones. "So how is Malohaut." A brief silence caused him to look over, seeing a saddened face upon Chivah.
"Malohaut was lost at sea during a very violent storm. He used his fire as a light so that the others could better see and manage the ship. But . . . he had fallen overboard and was lost to the waves."
Philippi said nothing, as he was having trouble taking in this news. Chivah saw this and wanted to alleviate his friend's pain. So he changed the subject.
"So tell me my friend. What has happened since I was last here?"
(anybody can join in if they'd like. I'll try to be on tonight.)
(After Pip was called away, day turned to darkness, and there was evening, and there was morning - the second day. And Chivah walked under the sky where the water had gathered in one place which was near a stablemaster. He landed his rear on the ground and his toes got to see under the water. And Chivah felt that it was good. Across all the vegetation, past the seed bearing plants and trees, there was a kind face that Chivah knew from various memories. And Philippi produced tracks in the vegetation, walking past the plants bearing seed and the trees bearing fruit to see if his friend was in good accord. And Philippi saw that he was good.)
"Mind if I sit here?" asked Pip to his friend.
"Not at all. You're always welcome." smiled Chivah in reply as the faeries flew away to the other side of the pond.
"Man. Its really great to see you again."
"It feels good to be home."
"Where have you been all this time? And why haven't you written?"
Chivah tossed a stone into the pond. He was a little mad at himself for his abrupt departure, and he knew he had some things to improve upon. "I was called away to do a job for God."
"Oh really?"
"Yes. I had to do some missionary work in some far off lands. I brought back an Etorr scroll as a reminder."
Pip took the scroll and glanced over it. ( He smiled and handed it back. "God be praised!"
"Yes indeed! But now that my task there is done, I have come home."
Philippi was tossing his own stones. "So how is Malohaut." A brief silence caused him to look over, seeing a saddened face upon Chivah.
"Malohaut was lost at sea during a very violent storm. He used his fire as a light so that the others could better see and manage the ship. But . . . he had fallen overboard and was lost to the waves."
Philippi said nothing, as he was having trouble taking in this news. Chivah saw this and wanted to alleviate his friend's pain. So he changed the subject.
"So tell me my friend. What has happened since I was last here?"
(anybody can join in if they'd like. I'll try to be on tonight.)