
kinda back on topic...there are schools that offer training in evangelism and missionary work. I would highly recommend going through those insetad of just dropping everything...unless you're absolutly sure it's for God and not cutting corners for yourself.
We Christians show concern for non Christians and I will give you the following analogy:

If you saw a man who was blindfolded and walking towards a lake of lava, would you just let him walk? The man choose to be blindfolded and he thinks he's going the right way, but you see his life is in danger. I know I would try to warn him of where he was going, and maybe suggest removing his blindfold so that he can see. I can see a truth that this man cannot and I want to help him by sharing what I know.

Take a look at a ball. How many sides does this round object have? One person will say "It has 4 sides and its a triangle." One person will say "It has 6 sides and it has a square." And another person will say "It is round and has really a single outer side." Can they all be right, or is only one belief right?

The muslims believe only in God the father, who desires warefare against all those who don't belief what they do. The Jews believe in the old testament in a loving God, but don't believe in Christ. Christians believe in the redemption through Christ's sacrifice. Buddists believe in reincarnation. Mormans believe that a perfect married couple will be reincarnated to populate a new planet. Athiests do not believe in a greater being.

All these 'beliefs' are contradictary, but can they be all right? How can something that contradicts be the exact same? Logically, it cannot.

The bible has been proven through prophecies, archeology, and truths that have yet to be contradicted. So far, biblical truth has yet to be successfully contradicted. The Watchtower is a prophecy magazine full of contradictions. The Mormon bible has gone through many alterations throughout the years to correct mistakes. And the Koran declares that its people should war against heathen, yet Muslims try to live a life of tolerance and peace; plus, the writer of the Koran also wrote another book, which was so poorly written and contradictary to the Koran that it is not very public. Science and evolutionism claims that order came from chaos, yet scientific tests today have proven that over time, order becomes chaotic through corrosion and mutations; plus, large scale evolution from one species of animal to another has yet to be proven, yet evolutionists insist that everything evolved from each other.

If you want to belief in something, search it out for contradictions. If you find them yet continue to belief, then is it not you who are hypocritical?

This is why I'm a Christian: Its truth, based on scripture, scripture that has been backed up by other, non-biblical documents, scripture who's writings have been backed up by archeological finds of civilizations and human migration patters, scripture who's pre-Christ prophecies seemed to predict the man we know of today, scriptures that declare Christ's ability to perform miracles, miracles documented and confirmed by jewish historians. There is so many truths that have yet to be contradicted, so many morales, so many personal experiences of a non-stop 'luck' which we attribute to a loving God.

We Christians see something amazing, and we have examined it throughoughly and found nothing wrong.

Yes, Christians are humans too. The bible didn't command the Pharasees to shun the lost and wicked. The bible didn't command the bloodshed of the crusades. The bible didn't command David Koresh and a lot of false prophets. Everywhere you will find bad apples. But don't blame Christianity and don't blame the scriptures. Blame the human nature, flawed and sinful.

You want to know the truth? Or do you just want to accept a belief without checking for holes? If you chose the later, then I believe you are a cheese sandwich. And since all beliefs are correct, then I guess I can toast you right now and make a nice snack out of you. Now doesn't that sound silly? Now you know how a Christian feels.

Heh. anyhoo. My 2 cents.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]You want to know the truth? Or do you just want to accept a belief without checking for holes? If you chose the later, then I believe you are a cheese sandwich.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The bible has been proven through prophecies, archeology, and truths that have yet to be contradicted. So far, biblical truth has yet to be successfully contradicted.
Christianity is no more proven than any other religion on the planet. Other religions aren't "Full of holes" any more than other beliefs. Take Buddhism for example, there very sound historical evidence of Buddha and records of his teachings. The idea of reincarnation that many Buddhists believe in (which wasnt part of Buddhas teaching) cannot be disproven. The concepts of karma, nirvanna, meditation, enlightenment, etc... are all central to the Buddhist belief, make some sense, had have never been shown to be untrue. Because of its simple nature there are no contradictions or proven falshoods to the Buddhist religion, so how can you act like its so obvious to a nonchristions that every other religion is just malarky we're supposed to disregard?
last time I checked, Buddah was still dead. Jesus came back, many wittnesses. 500+ Other references than the Bible too.
Buddah never claimed to be God.  And let's say Buddism is true and people to reincarnate.  Then why is the world's population increasing each year?  If the population is becoming larger, then where are all the extra souls coming from?  And if there was a beginning to the world, where did they come from in the first place?  Buddism is a nice way of life, but it doesn't fully explain all of life, or the origin of life.  Does Buddism explain the beginning of the world?  If so, why did Buddism not exist in the time of Egypt or even in the bronze age?  Wouldn't they have better historical knowledge and experience since they're closer to the beginning about the lifestyles of Buddism than the Buddists today?  There are many questions Buddism answers, but there are many more questions it doesn't.  Its interesting how you mention that reincarnation hasn't been disproven, yet Buddah doesn't teach it.  If reincarnation is important, especially to Buddism, why didn't he speak of it at all?  Was it added by someone who wasn't Buddah?  Why the change?

Christianity hasn't been proven?
Archaeological Evidence:
Mari Tablets - Over 20,000 cuneiform tablets, many explain patriarchal traditions of Genesis.
Elba Tablets - Over 20,000 tablets, many containing law similar to the Deuteronomy law code.
Temple Walls - Karnak, Egypt - Signifies a tenth centry B.C. reference to Abraham.
Gedaliah Seal - Gedaliah is spoken of in 2 Kings 25:22
Lachish Letters - Describes Nebuchadnezzar's invasion of Judah.
Cyrus Cylinder - Authenticates Cyrus' degree to allow the jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
Moabite Stone - Gives information about Omri, the sixth king of Israel.
Taylor Prism - Assyrian account of Sennacherib's attack on Jerusalem during Hezekiah's reign.
Over 25,000 sites have been discovered that have connection to the Old Testament period.  Not only have these discoveries provided external confirmation to hundreds of scriptural assertions, not one archeological discovery has ever contradicted a biblical reference.
Discovered in 1947 at Qumran the dead sea scrolls comfirm the reliability of the biblical text.  These scrolls, dating from 3rd centry B.C. to 1st century A.D., are the earliest copies of Old Testament books.  Their predicated and fulfiled prophecies provide evidence for the divine origin of the Bible.

Historical Verification:
Babylonian Sanhedrin 43a (ca. A.D. 100-500) The Talmud acknowledges Jesus' ability to do miracles and attributes this ability to sorcery.  The Jewish authorities in Jesus' day did not deny that Jesus performed signs (Matthew 9:34, 12:24; Mark 3:22) but attributed them to the power of satan.
Thallus, Historian 3rd Book of Histories (52 A.D.)  Thallus recordded the darkness (speculated as a solar eclipse) which occured during the crucifixion of Jesus.  The darkness was prophesied in Amos 8:9 and recorded by Matthew's gospel in chapter 27 verse 45.
Flavius Josephus (ca. 37-97 A.D.), Jewish Historian, Antiquities 18:3 - "He (Jesus) was the Christ . . . He appeared to them alive on the third day, as the divine prophets had fortold these and ten thousand other things concerning him."

Prophecies - type/prediction/fulfillment:

Virgin conception/Isaiah 7:14/Matthew 1:22-23
Birth in Bethlehem/Micah 5:2/Luke 2:4-11
Descendant of Abraham/Genesis 12:1-3/matthew 1:1
Miracles/Isaiah 35:5-6/Matthew 9:35
Temple cleansing/Malachi 3:1/Matthew 21:12
Jewish rejection/Psalm 118:22/1 Peter 2:7
Ascension/Psalm 68:18/Acts 1:9

I do look at and consider other religions.  I don't say disregard other beliefs. I never say just disregard it. I'm suggesting that it be taken in, and throughoughly examined. We don't disregard a belief because its different. We look at all possibilities and all ideas and all religions. But I don't just look at one aspect of that religion.  I look at it in its entirety.  Its origins, its design, its durability, and its logic.  I never just get rid of an idea or a belief just because its foreign.  I always examine it and try to see why it may be true and Christianity false.  I am more open minded than you know.  I've just been through a lot of research already and nothing answers more questions or holds more water than the very proof I mentioned above.  And that's only the tip of the iceburg.
Ah, Malo, how I miss roaming the DAoC realms with ye -_- (This is Somotos, by the way!)

Yes, I have been silent on this topic, choosing rather to listen and see what others say then to stick my nose in. This was a fully hypothetical question, and I do thank Eon for giving his HONEST opinion. Not too many people do that nowadays. I do not think Eon was doing anything wrong by says what HE felt he should.

Here's my point....
If this 16 year old kid can go out because HE believes something, can say something because he believes it to be true, then why can't Eon say something or do something because he believes in it?

We've not the right to tell him he's wrong, if that is what we believe -- God will be the one to do that if that is what He wills. I've watched Eon on these forums for a while, and he reminds me somewhat of myself in the way he conducts himself and speaks. It's good to hear an opinion about mission work from an "outsider", so to speak :p. If we don't know what others think, then how else will we be able to help them or at least TRY to help them?

Yes, I'm aware the stated topic was a little peculiar, and I couldn't say I wouldn't like to take this journey, but at this point in my life, it is not my journey to take.. I do have a feeling that has been inside of me since well before I was a Christian, that God was raising up a generation of youth who could single handedly bring the world to Christ simply through their love, worship, and knowledge of Truth. I can only ask you Christians, ye men and women of the Faith, to pray that whomever these young men and women are, that they will be led by the Spirit of the Most High, unfailing in the face of persecution and unafraid, trusting only in the Lord Christ.

It could be a revolution. An Awakening.

I hope so.

Said the Antichrist...
I swear, whoever the ANtichrist is will act just like a Christian until it's too late...
Ehh, I thought we already established an opinion is an opinion is an opinion, and Eon's opinion is his opinion. Crikey! Can we get any further?!
Prophecies are merely prohecies Malohaut, you must understand. A book of prophecies foretelling the coming of one who would only fulfill those prophecies, and one in the Book that half this world doesn't believe in, will not alter the minds of any. It would strengthen mine, but all here must know that if one person does not wish to hear God, God shall not speak.
So if I say that the city of Birmingham was built using mental teleportation of large concrete buildings - and you go to Birmingham, see the city is there and see the high rise buildings, that means I'm right?

Christianity is not empirically proven. If you choose to believe the whole thing, then more power to your arm, but personally speaking I think you're taking a LOT on faith. Your religion is no more and no less valid than many of the other ones out there - except to you. Sorry.

Eon is a diehard liberal who has nothing better to do than make fun of our beliefs.

He is just upset that he does not have the freedoms that we have in America
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]He is just upset that he does not have the freedoms that we have in America
Even as a joke this comment is way off base. In some ways Britan is more free than we are, if thats what you're getting at.
In some respects, please note. In others, Russia is, as well. AS is Japan, and CHina, and Ukraine. Let's not stop with Britain.
Take it as a joke or don't take it at all.
guys, don't insult the guy your debating with, ever. especially when its half religous like this. Gives Christians a bad name.

Besides, without Britian, no America. Besides that, Britian is the one of the only other countries that is our true ally and supports us bunches.

er... get back to topic.
Diehard liberal... Do you know, there's a guy across from me at work who is one of those peace protesters you might have heard so much about on the news. Well, he and I love to fence about whether the coming war with Iraq is justified or not - and if he heard you guys calling me a diehard liberal I think he'd choke on something.

Ahhh, the hell with it. You keep on posting about your freedoms Madd... While you're still free to do so. And be careful what you wear when you go shopping, or the Stasi Mall police might get YOU too... ;)
