Darkness Rising (The Next Release)

You'll also gain up to five "champion levels," which will give high-level characters a bit of an edge. The subclass system is what's going to be interesting about this. With each champion level, you'll be able to choose an extra ability that normally wouldn't be available to your class. For example, warriors might gain some healing magic or defensive buffs. They won't be as powerful in those skills as the classes they're cribbing from, but hey, it'll help. The choice will be up to players as to whether to focus their champion points on one area of concentration or spread the points across different skills.

That sounds exactly like toa to me...
Nope, they say you'll be able to complete the champion levels in groups of 8 or less...they are supposed to be similiar to how the epic quests were run and the added skill trees are supposed to be of small benefit..like a pally could get a dd spell but it would only hit for like 50pts. Or a armsman could get a small heal ability. Nothing as drastic as toa was.
I never Played much in TOa because Dawife did not have it, Was it really that unbalanceing?? The armors looked cool!
ToA was incredibly unbalacing in RvR and RvE.

It gave a huge advantage to those who could farm for hours for scrolls and level up artifacts. Artifacts gave you "I win" buttons. So, if a group of 8 all with multiple artifacts got together with some good strategy they could wipe 50+. I know this from experience. I saw a group I ran with do this on several occasions. Then when the timers were off we would sit in keeps or towers and wait for them to come back up.

In PvE people could powerlevel others with the aid of fonts and other toys that were meant for seige warfare not for grinding.

I personally as a Necro, got incredibly rich off ToA. I could farm for two hours and find two or three scrolls worth about 2 plat. I went from less than on plat to two artifacts and 10 plat in about a month. Which in turned funded my GM Spellcrafter that made me more than 100 plat.

ToA was a horrible misjudgement of the wide fan base of DAoC. It was an incredible time sink. I did not even mention the ML.
That is the U G L YIST Avatar ever chief; Wow it hurts to look at it,

Anyway, what about ml, ...LOL

JK ML where a huge time sink, That I remember
I have never been to Atlantis...and never been on a ML raid...or anything to do with ToA. In fact, I refused to buy it for the longest time, because I didn't care of the whole Atlantian stuff. Then when they released the Platinum edition of DAOC (that included ToA) I found it on sale for $20. I then didn't even bother installing it until Catacombs came out, and I had to install it to run Catacombs. Though, in the end, the cost of ToA wasn't that bad. I paid $20 for it, and because I used the Platinum Edition (thus reinstalling a new copy of DAOC), I didn't get charged for that month, thus saving me $13. Therefore, I pretty much got ToA for $7. Though, later, I found copies of ToA clearanced out very cheap at Target.

The only reason I even wanted ToA was to get the harp artifact, but who has the time to do all I need to do to get it? ToA was a waste. I got onto DAOC because I like the whole King Arthur mythology and I like the elves and such in Hibernia. ToA seemed to take away from that big time. Though inconnu have nothing to do with King Arthur (as far as I know), at least SI added Avalon Isle. Catacombs doesn't add much from the mythology, either, but it doesn't seem to take away from it...just add to the underground dungeon world and the inconnus. ToA added nothing but more swimming...which...ever since the first Super Mario Bros., I have hated in video games.

I'm glad to see a server type without ToA, and that they are full...that shows that the expansion was a huge mistake. Maybe Mythic should even give us something to make up for having to purchase that lousy expansion. I mean, everyone seems to be jumping on the servers that drop the expansion, anyway, so we're not using it. Well..except for the character types, which I think are lame anyway...give me more warriors, wizards, and other Arthurian legend type characters.

I am looking forward to the Champion quest where they add to the story,let you see the king, and find out how the world had gotten into such a shape. Sounds like fun to me...now if only I can get a character to 50 so I can even get that far. Heh...:)
Sounds to me like they are tired of the capital cities being empty...

And show the naked mole rat some love will ya!!
Oh, a naked mole rat...that's what that is...is his name Rufus?

Sorry, had to make the Kim Possible reference. (Yes I used to watch that show :) )
Icthus said:
Sounds to me like they are tired of the capital cities being empty...

And show the naked mole rat some love will ya!!

I can't its too darn ugly;I mean theres ugly and theres N A K E D MOLE RAT Ugly,

The thing creeps me out
Gyllis said:
The only reason I even wanted ToA was to get the harp artifact, but who has the time to do all I need to do to get it? ToA was a waste. I got onto DAOC because I like the whole King Arthur mythology and I like the elves and such in Hibernia. ToA seemed to take away from that big time. Though inconnu have nothing to do with King Arthur (as far as I know), at least SI added Avalon Isle. ... ToA added nothing but more swimming...which...ever since the first Super Mario Bros., I have hated in video games.

I'm glad to see a server type without ToA, and that they are full...that shows that the expansion was a huge mistake. Maybe Mythic should even give us something to make up for having to purchase that lousy expansion. I mean, everyone seems to be jumping on the servers that drop the expansion, anyway, so we're not using it. Well..except for the character types, which I think are lame anyway...give me more warriors, wizards, and other Arthurian legend type characters.

I am looking forward to the Champion quest where they add to the story,let you see the king, and find out how the world had gotten into such a shape. Sounds like fun to me...now if only I can get a character to 50 so I can even get that far. Heh...:)

I agree 1000 percent with you Gyllis. I dispised ToA because it took away a major part of the game from me, the Mythology and lore. Si is Still my favorite expansion though, because it seemed to add more than it took away. Toa is such a waste... your minstrel is 4x right?


That was supposed to be 100%, but it gets the point across. lol and its also good to see that the textures in TNN acrually match... thought id never see the day. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/daocdarknessrising/screens.html?page=1
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Gyllis said:
Yeah, my minstrel is 46. Poor guy has been at it for almost 3 years...still can't reach 50 :)
It took me a while to get to 50 too, a little over a year hehe.
I noticed that early registers of the Las Vegas round table get the Darkness Rising expansion for free. So, is this going to be a retail expansion? We're due a free expansion (after Catacombs) and I don't see enough on this expansion to make it worth buying (unless it's like $10 at the most). I'm tired of buying expansions, anyway, so I don't know if I'm going to get this one.
hmm, just an update on this...

Correct me if I'm wrong:

DAoC - Retail
Shrouded Isles - Retail
Player Housing - Free
Trials of Atlantis - Retail
New Frontiers - Free
Catacombs - Retail
Server Clusters - Free
Darkness Rising - Retail

So, Darkness Rising is the next retail expansion, since they counted server clustering as the free expansion?