Dealing With Sin In Your Life


New Member
Hey guys! Thought I'd open up a less debating-more sharing thread. Even as Christians, we all continue to struggle with our own personal sins. While I'm not asking anyone to specifically name these sins that you are/have dealing/t with (you may if you wish), I'd like to know how you deal with the sin in your life. Perhaps we can all learn a thing or two from eachother!

This includes, but is not limited to, temptation, habitual sin, random sin, praying for forgiveness, and refellowshipping with God.

Being real with myself....

I know that i'm not perfect. That i do the wrong things, have the wrong motives etc..

I just be realistic with myself. I expect the best, but don't always manage it.

the best thing is to ask for forgiveness.  

If I recognise the sin, get the guilts then repent that's healthy.
go from guilt to shame and thats bad.

Guilt says i did wrong, shame says i am wrong.
Gult says i did bad, shame says i am bad

Don't let the devil hold you down. Ask for forgiveness ALL THE TIME.'

It's ok, fall down, trip up, same result. just get up and keep going.

Jesus is by our side.

I edited this post, cos it wasn't that clear the first time, hehe

Well I think pride gets me and I ask God to humble me. A good saying is "Humbnle yourself before the Lord or he will do it for you."
Hehe, that's a good one =D Occasionally I ask God to teach me to be humble, and a second later regret it
It's hard to do sometimes (I'm really stubborn), but I pray and repent... knowing God's already seen whatever I've done long before... you just can't hide!... Psalm 139
Romans 3:23 tells me that I am not the lone sinner in the world. I know that I stumble because I am human.
When I do stumble I repent and ask forgiveness. And I know that I will be forgiven. 1John 1:9
And that God will also remember my sin no more. Hebrews 8:12. That is comforting, isn't it? There are times when I find myself making the same mistakes that I have made before.
Yeah, wheels..that's definitly the worst - a sin that, just days/weeks/months before, you said to yourself "I'll never do that again"...hehe, humans.. =P