Diablo 2

Diablo 2 - Is is acceptable?

  • 1.yes

    Votes: 14 100.0%
  • 2.no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3.never played

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
serious comments only please... when i get back from school i'll put my stance on it... bells ringing =/... but anyway is the fact that the heros are fighting evil good enough to overcome the imagery and magic of Diablo 2?
I just started playing D2 in the last few weeks...while it does portray some magic and sorcery, I don't see a terrible lot wrong with it...I don't think it's any worse than Counter-Strike where you kill humans lol....

I think games like this are only bad when you let them control your mind and pervade your thoughts and actions...otherwise, it's just a game, a way to take time off of doing work. Maturity definitely factors in here.
just because there are pentagrams in there - it does not promote demon worship, it doesnt pervade your mind, nothing of the sort. CCGR says there are upside down crosses in it, but I've never seen one. EVER.
Whats wrong with upside down crosses? Maybe its just a cross for the guy across the table?
I have beaten Diablo 2 once already. Although that was on the campaign and I lost my ub3r pally, I don't mind playing here and there on b.net on occasion. Just to let you know the game got really old really fast after I ran outta ppl to play with.

God Bless
upside-down crosses. like, you know how crucifix's are hung from the short end of the t? these upside down ones are hung from the long end, and they're satanic, and depricating to Christians (no I mean they really are used in satanic cults)
I use to be realy big into online play with d2 like 20+ lvl 80s lots of nice gear on hardcore and softcore.

I think any game can be unacceptable if you let it affect you. For me Diablo 2 was never a problem when i played i did not see the "demons" or "Diablo" as satan he was just a figurehead villian blizzard used cause it had a cool name. If youve ever read the backstory on the game youll find it has nothing to do with the Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, or any other name you wanna give him.

The game basicly involves choosing a hero and trying to bring down a great evil, very similar to fantasy novels like Lord of the Rings. In the end i think its all about what you think negatively affects you and if your are easy susceptible to this sorta stuff.
rgr, there are no upside down crosses and the pentagrams are rare (accept for amulets the dont show up on the map till Act 4)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Exo-Slayer @ Feb. 24 2003,10:38)]I use to be realy big into online play with d2 like 20+ lvl 80s lots of nice gear on hardcore and softcore.

I think any game can be unacceptable if you let it affect you. For me Diablo 2 was never a problem when i played i did not see the "demons" or "Diablo" as satan he was just a figurehead villian blizzard used cause it had a cool name. If youve ever read the backstory on the game youll find it has nothing to do with the Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, or any other name you wanna give him.

The game basicly involves choosing a hero and trying to bring down a great evil, very similar to fantasy novels like Lord of the Rings. In the end i think its all about what you think negatively affects you and if your are easy susceptible to this sorta stuff.
the only way you can actually tie this in with the devil is the hero actually going to the gates of Hell to fight the demon and the Arch Angel appearing often..
Magic in games is often nothing more then something like a disney movie. I dont find magic offensive really, but I draw the line at occultism. If theres a bunch of pentagrams or turned over crosses and basically the game is Chock full-o-satan I figure its something God doesnt want me doing. I mean, take for example we arnt supposed to hang around with evil people, is this really that different? I mean, its hardly like we are forced to play video games in the first place, much less ones filled with very bad things. What you see is what is in your soul, is it at all beneficial to be spending all day looking at pentagrams and demons? I'm against it in my opinion.
It's just a game. Let it go beyond that, it's a personal problem. Beat the game, don't let the game beat you.
I don't agree with that expression. I've heard it said a million times, and it is more often then not an invalid comment. Think for a minute how many people don't take things as seriously as they should. This is a part of our lives, and our lives are to be lived the way God told us. To the best of our ability we need to live by His word, and His alone.
Your basis for disagreement is a failing on your understanding of the statement. Hell, you didn't even read it obviously.

Making something so simple as an amusing pass time become so serious as a threat to your spirituality is you creating the monster. There is no threat unless you make it. You are basically becoming defeated by your own hand.

This is possible. This has happened to me. I have put that behind me and moved on and am in the position that I am in now through only the Freedom that Christ gives. That is why I live by this statement, because I know from first hand. If you want to still disagree, you are entitled to that. But maybe it is more serious and you just don't see why yet. That's okay too. Life is a learning process. It is death to stop learning.

I can see this getting out of hand.
I think the point is that, each christian should watch his own heart. Everything nowdays in the world is painted with the worlds mark. There is very little that is holy and suitable. Does that mean we can do whatever we like.. no of course not.

We should allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and show us when we are crossing the boundaries of what is acceptable. Ive used this illustration before but... While there is nothing in the bible that is against drinking (of course there /is/ a lot wrong with getting completed leathered) you would naturally state that somoen who became a christian from a background of alcoholism should stop drinking in case he falls into temptation and falls away from what is holy etc etc...

I have had this struggle a lot with music/computer games and other stuff.. i try constantly to focus my eyes on God so that he can show me what is acceptable or not.

Many games will come and go with varying levels of what we deem acceptable, but it is the person who plays the game who will judge how it affects them. If they judge wrong, then theres not a lot we can do about that.

Now there are certainly games that ToJ should /not/ endorse. But im sure there will be a few in ToJ who would deem those games acceptable. You see the circles now...lol

Well thats my 2 cents. Focus on God and not the game, the game is a game, keep it like that. Use it to be salt and light to the world if you go online. If it becomes more than that then you know you have gone too far....

(like playing quake3 for 15 hours a day when i should be studying for a degree...o_O)
ok well i guess its time for my two cents.

My brother is a D2 addict its like the only game he plays and most of the leveling is done usually in a place called the Cow Level 8 foot tall cows with Polearms running around. nowthen in Classic D2 at lvl 90 you have to go to Act4(hell) and do the chaos sant. to get to the main boss there, they're 5 seals that have a pentagram shape on them that lights up when u push it in, and 3 of thems spawn mini bosses that you ahve to defeat. On the Menu from hitting Escape there are 2 pentagrams on each side spinning. there is an amulet that you find at random from gambling or even just from the monsters that has a pentagram on it. Now then on D2 Xpack Act 4 is usually skipped like all the others because this game right now is bassed on 3 things

Leveling which is done in the Cow level like in classic or the Bloody foothills(not much blood there) in Act 5

Magic Finding Done in Piddles Temple(undead ghoul) umm temple look nothing to bad about it that i can remember. Mephisto(Act3 head boss) but to get to him you have to go through the Durance of hate which has piles of bodies on the ground, and rivers of blood. and this is also done in the cow level

the third thing the game is about is Dueling.
This usually happens out side of town in act1 (bloodmoor yet no blood there really). As far as pentagrams and stuff are concerned it is basicly all in Act3 (durance of hate) and Act4 after that you tend not to see them. and with the way the general game style of the game is now you may spend tops of 20 mins in those 2 areas if you are trying to level up fast( that is counting all 3 difficulties).

Guys i would say this is a serious issue too. i play the game and realize its just a game. but you also have to take into account what this will do to your subconscience or your actions. i think playing this game a few hours a week as a way to kill time when you are bored of your others is OK. but dont do what my brother does( i love him but jeez) he will spend hours upon hours just playing and trying to gain levels..... dont negelect your daily devotional time. if you are bored and need something to do why not read your Bible( hehe put me and Rizz out of a hobby),( yes rizz i serve ToJ too hehe)

Anyway i voted yes because it would be cool when the new patch comes out to have a Team Judah or ToJ and get a high spot on ladder and show off for Christ
Just like to point this out on the Pentagram
This symbol has been  used by many diffrent groups in the past even by Christians at some points many famous christians have it on there tombs from before it was made into something else. In the last 100 years it has more and more been related to the Wiccan movement and during the 1960's some satanist cults(mostly gone now) and now is seem as an evil symbol much like the Nazi Swastika that use to mean peace and was perverted by Hitler.

Found this site gives diffrent groups that have used it and what it meant. http://www.thornr.demon.co.uk/kchrist/pent.html
well, that does explain a lot. seeing as how the amulet with the pentagram offers protection, but the 5 pentagrams in act 4 bring diablo to the center of the pentagram... it all depends on how you look at it I guess

thx slayer
well the seals are for protection and they ahve the pentagram on it and maybe diablo thinks being in the middle of a pentagram will keep him safe.... anyone else knowtice that a sorc in classic and 1 zon can kill diablo in 10 seconds?