Do you think creationism

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Thats a premise for the theory DV, God has always existed. We can get in to this dependent/self-existent being theory in another topic.
I can't believe you edited my post, Genesis. For all who missed it, here are the parts he deleted:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Edited for content

I fail to see how those parts are any more offensive or sarcastic in nature than the rest of my post.

I understand that you have the right to make and enforce rules on your forum, but I think I deserve an explanation, and certainly to have my warning level decreased. All of those examples in my post are merely cynical rephrasings of parts of the bible, parts I'm sure you all recognize. Just because you may not like the fact that your Old Testament features your God commanding genocide or fantastical stories such as people surviving inside of whales does not mean that you can just edit them out.
Well, timor, before I go into my response to this, let me share a couple things about myself. First, I am a "she" not a "he". Second, please do not presume to know about my relationship with God.


So we are clear on things, I am going to address a couple topics.

1. If a moderator deletes or edits posts, it is not a good idea to repost them. If you feel that strongly that something needs to be included the way it was posted and the moderator will not allow it, I recommend speaking with an the moderator first. If the moderator will still not allow it, then take it up with an Admin

2. If a moderator has issued a warning or reprimand, take it up with the moderator in private. Hashing out why something happened does not need to be included in the thread.

3. The rules are made and clearly stated. The rules are not unreasonable and most of them are for all of CGA boards. If you have problems with the rules, please PM a moderator or Admin. Posting disparaging comments about them it not an effective way to get a point across.

as we are having problems keeping this thread on topic. It will be locked from now on.

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