DOW II BETA Will you buy it?

I'm not planning to purchase the game, but I'll support any member who volunteers for the Dawn of War Chapter Leader position. I think there's sufficient interest to establish and develop a chapter for DoW and DoW2.
I'm still on the fence. I know the multi-player is fun, but it doesn't have a lot too it. I'm gonna wait for the reviews first, because I am mainly a single player kinda guy. Is it a good RTS? Yeah. But I'll probably wait for a weekend deal since I still have a large amount of games I still want to beat.
I'd have to say no to this at this point. I like the game ok, but its not something I'd see myself playing after a few months.
When I get the cash, I will buy it. I'm hoping my roommate buys it first, so I can wait a bit and use his copy, his computer until I have enough money. :p
I might, if I can ever run it without crashing... probably not though unless it blows me away. I'm low on cash and if I get an RTS it will probably go to Demigod or RA3.