Down to 16 e-mails in my inbox, w00t!

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Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Hallelujah! I'm almost finished replying to all e-mails in my Tribe of Judah e-mail inbox. I've sent at least sixty (yes, 60) e-mails in the last few days.

Just had to share. :D
I'd like to share another very special accomplishment with my fellow ToJ members:

That's right! I spent seven hours this last week playing games online. I used to be embarrassed by how much time I spent gaming, but now I'm thrilled to average an hour per day. w00t!
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[edit]Incredible, your act like little kids, shesh.[/edit]

I've sent at least sixty (yes, 60) e-mails in the last few days.

[edit]Why couldn't you check your emails when you were at work, Tek7?[/edit]

[edit]Revoluation of the Resistance![/edit]

[edit] :mad: [/edit]
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Corpfox said:
Why couldn't you check your emails when you were at work, Tek7?
I tend to answer e-mails in "bursts;" that is, I'll read through my e-mail, but not set aside time to answer messages requiring more than a few lines except once a week or so. A bad habit, I admit.

So, when I do sit down and go through my inbox, it's quite a bit of work. Aside from answering e-mails, I keep up with most areas of the CGA forums, search for a job, spend time with my wife, write short stories, and try to find time to play games with other ToJ members.

Accomplishing even modest loads of online tasks is something I rejoice in, considering I get paid exactly $0 to manage both ToJ and CGA. Please don't misunderstand this as complaining; I love what I do. Still, I must put my wife and paying the bills before managing these organizations.
Accomplishing even modest loads of online tasks is something I rejoice in, considering I get paid exactly $0 to manage both ToJ and CGA.
Please don't misunderstand this as complaining; I love what I do. Still, I must put my wife and paying the bills before managing these organizations.

A Dedicate person, no doubt. Your Christian groupies are equally the same.
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