Dropping by to shamelessly plug available Tribe of Judah staff positions


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
I could try to be all smooth and subtle, but that would be weird and awkward--and no one wants that.

I'm posting here because I know some of you may not check the ToJ General Discussion forum, so you may not have heard that there are several staff positions currently vacant.

If you have some time you could dedicate to helping improve Tribe of Judah, please check out our famous Help Wanted thread.

Some of the more social techie types among you might be interested in helping fill out ToJ's Twitter feed, too.

If you're willing to get involved and help out, let me know. You can contact me by forums PM, instant message, or e-mail. Just see my forums profile for my contact info.

And don't feel like I'm singling you all out. I'm also posting this on the World of Warcraft chapter forums. :D
BTW, I setup a SoE GW Facebook site. I had one for my guild WoX before we merged with SoE. Just wanted to let you know.

George Rusty Ivey
Rusty Cross - warrior on GW in Prophecies
(among other characters)