Dubbing is destroying any chance of anime being taken seriously

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
DISCLAIMER: The voice acting in the following clip is so horrific, so awful that it may cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and refusal to pay another cent for licensed anime until American companies get their acts together and hire talented voice actors.

Don't believe that dubbing is destroying the image of anime in America? Click here for a preview of Cartoon Network's "upcoming" anime series, Naruto--but have some Pepto Bismol handy. (I put "upcoming" in quotes because a fansubbed copy of episode 150 was recently released on BitTorrent.) Those who've watched any fansubbed episodes of Naruto can hear the difference; they know just how atrocious a crime this is. Those who haven't seen any fansubbed episodes should still be able to tell how terrible the voice acting is.

How many series is Cartoon Network going to ruin? I'm still aghast at their destruction of Samurai Champloo. How many anime series must be mutilated by detestable voice acting? Why don't the federal authorities do something to stop this high crime against the Japanese? Why aren't the Japanese declaring English dubbing an act of war?

There are no answers. Just sad, sad questions...and crappy dubbing. Lots and lots of crappy dubbing.

Good job, Cartoon Network. Anime artists and writers are struggling to have their art taken seriously in the Western market and you throw back their efforts at every turn. Now no one is going to take anime seriously. Way to go.

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Although the dubbing is really bad...well...for most series anyways. I dont believe it is destroying its image. Sure the company who license the anime can "mutilated" it with horrible voice acting. They always release the dvd box set with the original japanese track and subtitles anyways. Alot of anime fans just download fansubs too.

I dont know about anime not being taken seriously in america *points at all the cos players* There are also the anime cons held every year In america and canada. I think anime is taken very seriously amongst diehard fans. Which there seems to be alot of in north america.
naruto is being killed, though i thought they did a nice job dubbing gundam wing
Gundam Wing does not make any sense to me at all, but maybe it was just too much like a soap opera. Anime is not really my preferred style of movies either. I pretty much enjoy anything made by Ridley Scott-- Gladiator, or Man on Fire, for example. Also I like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Dr. Strangelove because Stanley Kubrick is amazing when he's not gross. And I like well-done kung-fu movies like Hero, House of Flying Daggers, or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. And Road to Perdition was a good movie but also pretty gory and it had a lot of profanity.

I guess I just don't really like cartoons in general. Although I think it might be funny to subtitle an episode of Gundam Wing with bizarre and funny dialogue instead of the real stuff, sort of like a subtitled Mystery Science Theater 3000.
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gundam u have to sit and watch through episode 1 till the end to understand anything in it. but i just cant believe naruto is being killled like this -_- ok i popped onto some good internet to watch the clip...... naruto is doomed to failure, plus they edited to much blood out, its not realistic anymore. and what the crap is wrong with the voices >_< naruto shouldt have that childish voice >_< nor should they talk exactly like the manga book and make it seem like their reading the manga when their recording it >_<
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That is why I try to get the unedited versions when I get it on DVD or watch the unedited when it is on TV. The only anime I really watch all the time is Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Trigun.
Dragon Ball doesn't make any sense either. The fight scenes aren't really any fun for me to watch either since (1.) it's animated and (2.) it's two nearly-invincible people flying around and blasting each other with energy beams through canyon walls and not ever dying.
kraniac said:
Dragon Ball doesn't make any sense either. The fight scenes aren't really any fun for me to watch either since (1.) it's animated and (2.) it's two nearly-invincible people flying around and blasting each other with energy beams through canyon walls and not ever dying.

They dies sometimes check these out;

Here Goku (good guy) and his brother Raditz (bad guy) die.

And here is a list of all the characters that have died and how they died.
(some names are different, but the show is still the exact same)
Atown said:
gundam u have to sit and watch through episode 1 till the end to understand anything in it. but i just cant believe naruto is being killled like this -_- ok i popped onto some good internet to watch the clip...... naruto is doomed to failure, plus they edited to much blood out, its not realistic anymore. and what the crap is wrong with the voices >_< naruto shouldt have that childish voice >_< nor should they talk exactly like the manga book and make it seem like their reading the manga when their recording it >_<

simply dont watch the dubbed version then. Get fansubs or buy the boxsets off of ebay.
I actually rather like the Samurai Champloo dubbing as well as Cowboy Bebop, but beyond that most have been complete trash. I've never watched Naruto before but that clip was hilarous, was the main character voiced by a boy or a girl in that clip?
as was goku in dbz gt as far as i know