Dungeon Defenders XBox 360


New Member
Is there anyone that would like to play this? It's the free game with gold right now on live. Have to say it's quite addicting. I have played a few in solo but seems to be that it is better to play multiplayer, which from experience it is. Action/hack & slash/RPG all-in-one!

Let me know!
The game is awesome. Many of us played for this game for days, but that was years ago. I would like to return one day but my backlog is to large. Kinda cheese that its free with Live since DD2 comes out shortly. PSN gave us this free way long ago.
Yeah. I figured it had been out for awhile. The games they have been giving out as of late have been around for some time. I have enjoyed it quite a bit. Kinda hard to move through levels solo though when I only had one character.