Eating Meat


My little sister who is 11 years old has decided that she just can't stand to eat meat - I think it may be a phase - anyways, I was wondering does it mention anywhere in teh bible as to wheather or not eating meat is good?/bad?
Genesis 9:2 "Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant."
There's also the story of a person in the Old Testament eating no meat and staying in good health.

If your little sister decides that she doesn't want to eat meat, encourage her to research how to supplement her diet with protein and other necessary things. If she wants to be a vegetarian, she needs to be aware of the responsibility and inconvenience attached to that diet. She also needs to ensure that she stays in good health.

I was just told that my cholesterol levels are high (nothing serious), so I might be searching for alternatives to meat for a while as well.
It is totally okay to be a vegetarian and a Christian. It's not a requirement of our faith but it's certainly not going to say that we MUST eat meat either. My mother was a vegetarian for many years out of feeling queasy when she thought about the animal being killed. Just remember to get your protein, as Tek said. Legumes, milk and eggs (though do remember that eggs are high cholesterol)