

Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Been doing some recruiting for our legion in the Aion forums. The first one get flammed so we closed an made another, which has been fine. Anyway, someone posted this in the new thread an I wanted to share -

The idea of a Christian guild/legion is not new. Tribe of Judah has been around for years in many different games from eq1 to wow to now Aion. The fact that they wish to game with like minded people is a reasonable desire. I know that I prefer to do my gaming with ppl I enjoy chatting with.

By and large the type of harrassment this person has recieved is both personal and purposely inflammatory. Both being violations of forum posting rules.

I have ran into ToJ linked guilds in many different games and found them to be great players, curteous and helpful people. In WoW both alliance side guild "Redeemed" and horde side "The Mustard Seed Conspiracy" were great guilds to run into and Co-OP with.

Knights of I Am in Eq2 is another example.

While this attemp to form a Christian based legion in Aion may not work out for them the Christian Gamers Alliance is a large gaming group and will exist in most MMOs in some form.

So far there really hasn't been any rational game based objections to the legion. Merely hypothetical objections and religious debates.

I don't log into my games to hear sermons but to play; however, if a group of people want that type of gaming environment for themselves more power to them.

I thought it was encouraging and wanted to share. :)
I thought it was encouraging and wanted to share. :)
Thinking of printing that out and hanging it on my wall. That way I can look at it any time I feel discouraged. :)
That is awesome! thanks for sharing :) I posted a possible link to our site on for some games and GOT flammed bad, but hey it is all for the LORD :)
That is very encouraging, but they forgot about the Spirit of Elijah/Elisha in Guild Wars :(

Abba, Aleron, grab the fliers! We're heading to LA! :)

Good find UXZero, glad to know what we're doing is affecting people