Enhancement Shamans


New Member
Alright, so I've had a few people come to me more than once with questions about how to gear their shamans and what stats should they focus on. I spent this morning reading thoroughly through the Elitist Jerks page on enhancement shamans and took some notes I'd like to share. My notes are basically a summary of what I gathered from this page: http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t20765-shaman_enhancement/

(Note: Some information may be slightly off because of the recent patch, but overall I believe most is still viable. Also, keep in mind this is all information for when you are level 80. I will edit my post to attach a suggest enhance spec talent tree at some point)

Keep in mind:

- You will always want slow speed weapons because of the three second cooldown of WF (Windfury Weapon). If you are spec'd 5/5 elemental fury, you will want to have Flametongue Weapon on your Off-hand weapon for increased PVE dps. When you begin using flametongue weapon, the speed of your off-hand doesnt much affect your overall dps if it is a slow speed or fast speed.

- Duel Weilding is hands down WAY better than using a 2-handed weapon for enhance. I mean come on..you leave out an entire spell to use if you're not duel weilding (lava lash)

- You dont want to switch out Relics during a fight. It resets the swing timer and uses a global cooldown.

- Always keep your Lightning shield up

Important Stats:

(Hit and Expertise should be your main focus. Reach their hit caps and once you do, focus on other stats such as crit/haste and agil/AP)

Hit Cap: 446 for a horde char
420 for alliance Draenei (because of their racial 1% hit)

Expertise: 214
140 if you are spec'd 3/3 Unleashed Rage

Note: When choosing gear based on AP vs. Agility, you will always want the item with the higher agility. (unless of course it's an insanely huge upgrade, but even then the agility on the item would probably be higher than what you have even if the AP is also higher than what you have)

Meta Gems: Relentless Earthseige Diamond (+21 agility and 3% increased crit)
Chaotic Skyfire Diamond (+21 crit and 3% increased crit)
- you'll want the earthseige over the skyfire

Weapons - Berserking (best option for 1 or both weapons. Does stack)
Mongoose (is a good second best for one or both. Does stack)
Accuracy (only if you're under hit cap. when you're above the cap it's pretty much useless)

Boots - Icewalker if you're under hit cap. Otherwise you'll want Run speed increase. The faster you get to the next mob, the higher your dps.

Helm - Arcanum of Torment: +50 AP and 20 crit (Ebon Blade - Revered)

Shoulders - (If not a Scribe) Greater Inscription of the Axe: +40 AP and 15 crit (Sons of Hodir - Exalted)

Chest - Powerful Stats

Cloak - Major Agility or Major Speed

Bracers - Greater Assault or Expertise

Gloves - Crusher, Precision, or Expertise

Legs - Icescale legarmor (Found on AH - Leatherworking)

(Reading through elitist jerks post, these are in the order of the highest equivilancy points. Keep in mind these might have changed since the patch.)
- Blacksmithing: 80 EP
- Leatherworking: 65-75 EP
- Enchanting: 64 EP
- Skinning: 64 EP
- JC: 30 EP now that epic gems are available (so not the best option)
- Alchemy grants an additional 64 AP to AP flasks from the passive Mixology

Edit: Here's a good build to follow for enhancement http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hVhhVZhbxIoxdIhusRuVo

I hope this helped those with questions! Again you can read more into detail on the elitist jerk page I posted. This is just a summary from all of that.
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lol yeah leveled my shammy and fell in love :p

btw i totally posted this in the wrong thread haha. didnt see the class guides section