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Which aspects?
Evolution is happening today on microscopic, small, medium, large and grand scales. Resistant strains of bacteria and how HIV\Aids works to how species are being displaced or endangered due to changes in their environment such as deforestation, wildfires or the introduction of new predictors or prey. Mankind is evolving as well. No, we are not gaining a third arm but as a species, are we the really the same beast as we were 50, 100, 1000, 3000, 5000 years ago?
In Banff National Park, a person inadvertently introduced tropic fish into the ecosystem. They managed to survive and flourish in the high sulfur content hot springs which is not their natural habitat. I am sure God created the fish and God created the mechanisms to allow the fish to evolve to their new habitat.
We humans have evolved over the centuries. Take a look at how we communicate today compared to 20 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago. Long gone are the days of eloquent writing, proper grammar and spelling. Even as I write this, I rely on spell checker to nab words that I have either never learned to spell or have long since forgotten to spell. Either way, in this day and age of Googling everything, to think this does not have an impact on how we use our brains and our children use their brains and what gets sent down the reproduction line to our grand and great grand children is a foolish thought. All aspects of human life has changed and evolved throughout history. Some of it was us making changes and a good part of it was done naturally. Our family unit and it's function within society has evolved. As we became less reliant on family farms our family sizes shrunk. As we invented technology, even our body's changed. Think of the average American who drives to the gym compared to the average African who has to run 10 miles every day to get the newspaper and drop off and receive mail and go to school or to get to the next farm.
Compare again the bodies of the Inuit to those who live in Florida. While both human, each subset of people have evolved habits and diets and means and ways to survive their surroundings which would not necessarily work else where. You would not live as long as the Inuit do living as an Inuit does in Florida. And vise versa.
We are a product of many things, including our environment. Some of that which we are a product of is by choice, some of it is not. Some of it is by necessity and some of it is by our experience. I know from personal experience, as a Canadian, used to cooler temperatures and not doing very well in the hotter temperatures, having spend time in Las Vegas, Phoenix and Yuma, I adapted (or evolved) to the change in temperature. I'm sure if I had to move to Phoenix that my body would evolve to living in a climate so radically different then mine where Winter temperatures are still warmer then my summer temperatures.