Exercise & health

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I've known for quite some time now that I need to start exercising, but I'm a poor, married college student living on student loans. My wife and I live in a one-bedroom apartment, so buying any exercise equipment, no matter how inexpensive, is out of the question. We like to go on walks, but we only walk when it's nice outside (i.e. fall and spring). I spend too much time at the computer and I think it's starting to affect my health. I'd like to exercise, but my options (and funds) are limited.

What would you all suggest for a simple and quick exercise to improve my health? Building a bit of muscle would be nice, too, but my primary concern is my health.
Apartments usually have stairs in them. You could create a pattern going from building to building and complete x amt in y time. I know, your neighbors may look at you a bit strange, but it would help.

What Gen is suggesting is a good start, remember, for most exercises you don't need equipment or anything, especially to start.

Heres a few websites to get you started:
http://www.hintsandthings.co.uk/bathroom/home exercise.htm

Basically, there's plenty of excerises that you can do without the need for expensive equipment. As well, once you do start needing things such as weights, you can go with milk jugs to start, slowly filling them with water as you deem you need to add more weight to your routine.
Channel surfing has been my secret to the ripped biceps I enjoy. And if you set your UT2004 sensitivity as low as I do it becomes somewhat fatiguing at first whipping your arms from one end of your desk to the very other end.
Couples Calisthenics

I like exercise videos, some can be obtained at your local library. In addition, you may find free classes at the local YMCA or through community events in your newspaper. (How's about some dance classes?) In Texas they have a variety of events and incentives for a club that gets together and power walks around the mall! Hey! It beats the stifling heat:) You may also find a local church with a gym, many times they are ministering as fitness and fellowship and don't charge a thing!
just do like somany sit ups and push ups and maybe something to get your heart going in the morning or afternoon each day and youll be fine :D
I agree that calisthenics are a great, inexpensive option. Go to dragondoor.com and check out some of their products. There is a cal dvd/tape called the "Naked Warrior" that endorses one arm push-ups and one legged squats or "pistols" as a legitimate workout regime (Most people have to work up to actually performing these exercises....I am close to being able to do a full pistol unassisted.) Running stairs is a great option. Also, pull-ups on a bar or in a doorway can work. Be creative. Remember, old time strongmen didn't have the expensive gyms and equipment we have today. Look up this book at your local library or amazon.com:Rock, Iron, Steel: The Book of Strength (Paperback) by Steve Justa http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...104-0876979-1543904?v=glance&s=books&n=507846

PM or email if you have questions or visit the forum at dragondoor.com. I am a regular there. My tag is my first name: Bobby. Overall, there are some very good, knowledgeable people there and they are mature (meaning, for the most part, the content is very clean)
Tek, I was wondering if you have checked the gym at your college. Our community college here has one of the greatest gyms in town and is unbelievably inexpensive and doesn't cost a thing if you are enrolled. Quite a bargain considering they have every sport, piece of sports equipment, and activity imaginable, including several free classes throughout the day for anyone who wants to attend, you don't need to be enrolled...there is even an indoor pool! I love racquetball but there is something there for everyone. In addition, the variety has always helped keep me going.
I heard that you burn more Calories chewing a stick of celery than there are in that stick. Eat enough celery and you'll lose weight, I guess.
kraniac said:
I heard that you burn more Calories chewing a stick of celery than there are in that stick. Eat enough celery and you'll lose weight, I guess.
That's an interesting fact. :p
Marcylene said:
Tek, I was wondering if you have checked the gym at your college.
I do, but it's limited, and it doesn't offer a way for me and my wife to work out together. Still, it's something I'm going to research when I start fall classes, if only to supplement what I do at home.
If u live in an apartment, most of them have gyms at the club house or where ever that are free. I know the ones I used to live in did, but just a thought! Good luck, and you can come mow my yard if you want a good exercise, it has a nice hill, and is usually blazing hot and humid here in Atlanta.
Three questions:

1. Is there a pool at your apartment complex?
2. Can you swim?
3. Are you, like myself, too repulsed at your own body to ever let anyone view you in a bathing suit?

If you answered yes to the first two questions (and no to the third), spend 20 minutes 3 days a week in the deep end of that pool, and for that 20 minutes, don't tough the sides or the bottom. I can attest that it is HARD. You will be so out of breath afterwards you won't want to do it again... then the next day you'll feel great. Sore, but great.

P.S. I answered yes to #3, but my pool is at my home, in my fenced in back yard.