Favorite server plug-ins

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all.

To keep things moving here, I figured I'd post a thread asking everyone to post their favorite server plugins.

My personal faves are:

- Healing Armory: Advanced armories restore health to injured marines and works just like refilling ammo. Great to help reduce pressure on a comm to micro-manage.
- PhaseEQ: Allows you to choose your phase destination from a pop-up menu instead of phasing multiple times to reach your destination. This plugin can decide intense battles and even entire games.
- LerkLift: I'm of mixed opinions on this particular plugin, but I do like letting the lerks pick up gorges. Anything past that can get a bit...silly.
- Not sure what it's called, but it displays how many of each upgrade chamber the alien team has built. Much better than continually asking, "how many dcs do we have?" and trying to decide whether or not you should drop another.

Those are my top four, so git to postin'!
Recycle alian building PHaseeq bad lerk lift i always thought healing armory was in the game
"late exp" for combat in the server's name would pull in people right nicely. also, jetpack-lift is fun for both sides (and you'll know what i mean when you devour one of a two man fly-by
). ooh and i second that alien recycle!!
Alright first off... script blocker is a waste of time. Some of us have made files that are only marine specific or alien specific and it has nothing to do with cheating.


Also if we want our server to be full then we need to put a mod in our server title like "lerk lift" or "late experience"

Which btw we need late XP in the game.  Server should be a combat only server but with some Siege maps to mix it up a bit. Also we need to name some frequent admins so that we can keep it clear of llamas.  Admin suggestions (Elihu, Crikket, and Mosquito Morte).  

Self weld is also a good mod to add in.  Lerk lift for aliens and marines (jp).  At least 13 levels for combat but I have seen as many as 20.  25 minute maps for Combat.

That "It's time to choose" voting system thingy.

A list of the rules and mods when you first spawn into ready room.

Server name: "Tribe of Judah's Late XP Combat Server"
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TheJfreak @ Nov. 01 2004,10:54)]Recycle alian building
Can someone verify that this plugin is available for AMX Mod X? Not Admin Mod. Not AMX Mod. AMX Mod X.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]PHaseeq bad
Hrm? You don't like PhaseEQ, JFreak?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]lerk lift
I'm still not sold on this plugin for "regular" play. Fun nights, yes. Regular play, ehhh...Not sure yet.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] i always thought healing armory was in the game
It might be. I'll have to run some tests and see.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (crikket @ Nov. 08 2004,4:31)]"late exp" for combat in the server's name would pull in people right nicely.
Got it installed!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]also, jetpack-lift is fun for both sides (and you'll know what i mean when you devour one of a two man fly-by
Hmm. There seems to be quite an interest in LerkLift. Perhaps a poll is in order...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]ooh and i second that alien recycle!!
Doesn't this raise concerns about balance, though? I want to ensure that I don't shift the balance of power one way or another...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mosquito Morte @ Nov. 08 2004,4:40)]So TURN Off SCRIPT BLOCKER! = D
Ehhh...I'm not entirely sure I want to do that. There are too many players using fade blink/swipe scripts, marine pistol scripts, and skulk leap/bite scripts to risk enabling scripts. I want the server to be fun for players of all skill levels, not just l33t NS gurus like yourself, Morte.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Also if we want our server to be full then we need to put a mod in our server title like "lerk lift" or "late experience"
Good idea. I'll be brainstorming possible names for the server this week.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Which btw we need late XP in the game.
Got it!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] Server should be a combat only server but with some Siege maps to mix it up a bit.
*BZZT!* Nope. Not going Combat only. I enjoy regular NS far too much to run a server that only plays Combat maps; however, Combat WILL be included.

To be honest, I loathe siege maps. I think they're wastes of time BUT perhaps we could hold a poll on this topic as well. Someone else would have to create it, though. -_-

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] Also we need to name some frequent admins so that we can keep it clear of llamas. Admin suggestions (Elihu, Crikket, and Mosquito Morte).
Unfortunately, our motd.txt (Message of the Day text file) can't go over 192 characters or people can't join. It's some weird server bug. So we're going to have to host the rules and a list of admins off-site. I'd rather not have to update a web page every time we add an admin, so we might do like the CS server admins and make a separate roster for NS server admins and link to it from the rules page. *muses sagely* Hrm...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Self weld is also a good mod to add in.
Hrm. I'd like to hear opposing viewpoints regarding this plugin as well. I'm concerned it would shift the balance of power in the marine's favor.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]That "It's time to choose" voting system thingy.
I have reservations about map voting on a public server because of the issues it caused on the CS server, but I'd be willing to consider this particular mod.

You mean the one that shows up only after a match is over and the timelimit has expired, yes? If you can track down this particular plugin, I'm willing to at least test it out.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]A list of the rules and mods when you first spawn into ready room.
Again, the 192 character limit for our motd.txt presents a difficulty. I'll be looking for a workaround.

Thank you for all the suggestions, sir.
I like phase eq and you played on g4b2s they had it it really doesnt mess up ballence NO LERK LIFT no jet pack lift
and please please please no just co if its just co then make me a ns server please :'( i dont like co only ns and no seige map
i have a tendisy to think co is for nubs
Okay. I think I've covered the basics. I think that only leaves the following to install and configure:

- Some kind of "lift" plugin, whether it's LerkLift, SuperLerk, or SuperLift.
- Some kind of swear filter. Absolutely necessary before official launch.
- Alien recycle plugin. I would handle it tonight, but it's 2AM and I've been at my keyboard for like three hours now. Gotta call it a night.

If I missed anything, please let me know.
Okay, here are some updates:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]- Some kind of "lift" plugin, whether it's LerkLift, SuperLerk, or SuperLift.
Still watching the relevant thread on the AMX Mod X forums.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]- Some kind of swear filter. Absolutely necessary before official launch.
That's my next priority. Going to be researching swear filters this evening.

Morte - You mentioned one the other day? Got a linkie?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]- Alien recycle plugin.
Turns out the alien recycle plugin only works for AMX Mod. We're running AMX Mod X. Blar.

I've put in a request for someone to port the plugin to AMX Mod X.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7 @ Nov. 13 2004,4:38)]That's my next priority. Going to be researching swear filters this evening.
Okay, I installed and configured the Simple Swear Filter AMX Mod X plugin on our server.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Morte - You mentioned one the other day? Got a linkie?
Strike that, I found it - Advanced Swear Filter + Punishment Menu v3.0 (w/ XP Support). It's a bit overkill for what we're wanting and I haven't verified if it works with NS. I believe we'll stick with the Simple Swear Filter plugin for now.

EDIT: I did post a reply in the thread for the Advanced Swear Filter plugin, asking for a punishment system specifically built for Natural Selection.