Final Fantasy XI


New Member
Hey all, this is Corin (for the old heads who still remember me), or Philippi (for the Camelot folk).

I was wondering if there were people who are planning to play Final Fantasy XI?  If there are, I would love to be involved in getting a ToJ presence of some sort there.

One thing that I want to note though... in order to make a presence for our guild on FFXI, it won't be as simple as most games because of a system that Squaresoft is using to balance out server population.  This is WorldPass...  basically when you create a character in FFXI, you are put onto a random server based on server population with lower population servers being more likely.  So this makes it impossible to ensure that friends or guildies/ clan members are on the same server.  However, if a person on the server buys an in game item called a worldpass, they can give the information from it to their friend and then when that friend creates a new character and enters the world pass info, they are created on the same server as the original person.

So basically if there are people interested, I would love to form up on an FFXI server, however it will take a bit of work to get us all onto one server, though I think it would be worth it.

Please let me know if you are interested.

The PC version of the game ships on October 28th.
There's a new benchmark that was just released by Squaresoft for FFXI, you can get that here: FFXI Benchmark

God bless all,
I would except I like PvP too much to be into a PvM game for very long, especially after Everquest. Blah.
Not enough time and not enough spare cash. ;_; But I'd be willing to form a Tribe of Judah: Final Fantasy Online (because I refuse to call it Final Fantasy ELEVEN) if we had enough volunteer staff members to get it going.