Finished Song Link

Sounding Good Mastermind! I'd be hard put to tell it from the stuff played on certain online techno channels. :D

I'm thinking it needs to be the music for a Deus Ex type game. The hard boiled detective searches to find an evasive, spoiled, rich girl who doesn't seem to care about a murder she is implicated in. It'd be playing in the background of a futuristic dance club as he steps in the door to find and question her. She'd probably be wearing to much makeup for her age, in weird futuristic patterns, and be dancing in a crowd. He tries to talk to her but she only gives half replies. Eventually he tires of it and briskly drags her aside to grill her, the crowd barely reacting to his use of force while enrapt in their drug and dance induced haze.

It sounds space applicable too :) .
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I just realized people reading this thread may not know Mastermind made this. He is not posting someone else's music it's his.