Fire Bad


Alright. So the other day, I was ready to expand my airship. I went down to gather some wood and began to chop the nearest tree ... with flint and tinder. o.O Oops. So the whole forest catches fire, even the bridge to Tysuru's house catches fire. Fortunately, I was able to cut it off before it took out his house. Somehow, though, my airship caught fire and completely burned down.


Well okay. So what do I do now? I come to you, my dear friends. Do I:

1. Rebuild it to it's former glory.
2. Build some sort of space ship (i.e. Serenity)
3. Build a submarine.

I'd rather do 2 or 3, but what do you guys think?
Do 2 and then 3 and then 1 - isn't that the beauty of minecraft, one project after the other? lol

Would the sub actually be under water? If so, do that first. Haven't seen that before but have seen some spaceships.

Well, there's my opinion for what it's worth.

I second that submarine idea! That sounds really cool!

I suppose we'd have to make it out of iron blocks for realism, but I sure don't have that kind of metal supply. Maybe stone will have to do. Or grey wool. :) But don't let my ideas get in your way of doing it how you want!

I know... YELLOW WOOL. We all live... Nevermind.

Going for your own design or are you going to try to model a nuke sub from some country? I have the itch to watch U-571 or The Hunt For Red October now.