First Nightfall PvP Night


Legacy of Elijah Officer
With all the skill changes and the 2 new professions, I'm at a complete loss at what to suggest for tonight. I'm not expecting a huge turnout for PvP with all the new PvE content available, but I'm willing to spend some time tonight earning DOUBLE FACTION to unlock some new stuff.

ViM may be nerfed, but I think it may still be somewhat effective. Otherwise we can try a Dervish ViM, if they have a D/W template available.

Any other thoughts?
I don't think Dea and I can make it tonight, at least not until really late. We're meeting up with some FFC folks for dinner and a movie tonight, provided I'm sufficiently recovered from the cold that hit me like a freight train yesterday afternoon. :(

I'm going to spend some time on wiki this afternoon so I can contribute to the discussion about bringing dervishes into ViM. Whatever sub-group we bring into ViM needs to be able to act independently of the trappers to take out opposing monks and other high-value targets, preferrably causing conditions in the process, while managing staying alive. Its a tall order considering that its only 2 or 3 maximum peeps in the sub-group.

3 ViM Trappers and 3 Vim Dervish might work really well

Three D/W with ViM and three trappers might be a really good configuration to try. From what I gather, earth-focused dervishes are capable of dishing out conditions while keeping themselves healed up nicely. The trade-off is that damage is not as focused as with warriors and assasins - however, three dervishes coordinating together should be able to take down targets one at a time while causing conditions on other nearby enemies in the process.

As far as earth dervish skills go, I'm particularly excited about the enchantment veil of thorns. Whenever the enchanted character is hit by an attack, the attacker is crippled for as long as 13 seconds! A virtual guarantee of a ViM bonus right there. Cool stuff.

ViM trapping might still work if everyone targets one called target and racks up its conditions, then you could still use ViM somewhat effectively
That fails if they have rc though... You should try a balanced build that spreads a boatload of conditions and hexes, that is majorly distracting to monks as they try to keep track of it. Then something like a good shock warrior or starby ele that can spike the target of their choosing. When you have one target taking damage, it is easy to counter, when you have 3+ it increases the chances that the monks will screw up. The major problem with balanced is that you have to keep coordination and endurance, most of the time one will fail and the team will fall apart.

The new template system looks promising, no more "what skills do I need?", so finally dredd can keep his sanity every once in awhile...
:) lol yeah. I think we can try ViM tonight but I love balanced I think that is something we will be working on on Tuesday night. Also I think we will be using Paragons. I think they are going to take the place of some monks to be honest. They are a force!
As an update - the FFC thing got cancelled tonight so Dea and I should be able to log in for PvP time. :)

Ok report on the ViM Dervish / Vim Trapper. Ok 2 words IT WORKS! ok we tried in in HoH but did not have time to totally fine tune it. However 4 of us stayed around and did it in Team Arenas and I think we won 6 in a row than another 4 in a Row I think before we stopped. What did we face the whole time? Balanced with two monks one being an RC monk in every group. This is a pressure build we have to be on the offensive the whole time. What makes this nice is no pugs will be running this because ViM is nerfed. I do not expect to come accross this build very often in HoH unless we start winning halls. oh forgot to mention we are on the verge of beating a rank 117 I think it was and they came back and beat us. I also saw a few people say nice build a few times.