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New Member
Okay, I'm just about tired of the CS server lately. Whenever I'm on, with the exception of a few times, there is no admin present, and no way of dealing with the hoodlums who frequent our quaint little server. I've heard tons of complaints from other ToJ'rs as well as .fls. guys as well.

Look, when there ARE admins present, they do an outstanding job, but, more often then not, there isn't an admin present.

I in no way, shape, or form mean this in a demeaning way to the present admins, but for Pete's sake guys, c'mon....We need to do something about this.

It's getting old, fast, and I find myself abandoning the CS server for other, non-Christian servers more often than not.

All I'm asking for is for you higher ups, Elite and such, to revise our current admin list to responsible members who are online more.

Be angry with me if you wish, but I'm just tired of having to enter the server to relax and play a game only to be bombarded with foolish, obnoxious snots that so often come to ToJ: CS.

If all else fails, I'm just going to go to other places and deal with the obnoxious snots on their territory.

If anyone is with me on this one, please, post here in agreement or with your own comments so that I don't look like a ranting moron.


PS Last time I asked for this, I got poo-poo'd aside as if it didn't really matter, for whatever reasons, and it really, honestly t'd me off to no end. All I'm asking for is FAIR, OBJECTIVE view on this. If some of our admins AREN'T ABLE TO ADMINISTRATE, WHY ARE THEY STILL ADMINS? Stick more available people on it!
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