Full Hero Team Ease


New Member
Just tossing an idea out.

Today I played through the entire War In Kryta Content with just heros, only really had trouble once with Temple of the intolerable just cause the boss can get overwhelming if you decrease his health quickly enough for him to summon multiple sets of reinforcements (which will happen if he drops from 100% to 50% in less then 10 seconds...I saw it!)

I really like having a full team of heroes! It made it so that I could actually do The Battle for Lion's Arch even though no humans in lions arch were interested. Now if I could just prioritize Dunkoro and Ogdens skills so that they would use UA faster after taking it off to rez someone. Often I'll look to see what's up and I'll find that they have plenty of energy to use it but don't have it running or recharging and there's some allied corpses on the ground...

Otherwise I love the full hero team!
You can prioritize UA by clicking on it. :) I haven't noticed a large difference playing with full hero teams, but that probably has to do with the fact that the characters I'm using don't have fully decked-out heroes.

I did think it was a bit odd they released this at the same time as Embark, though. At the same time they're trying to get people to play together more, they give people a tool to more easily play by themselves, lol.
I've been vanquishing Drazach Thicket for Kurzick points (working on the title). I've been doing it with heroes (Spiritway group) and henchies for months.

I took a full team of heroes and got clobbered. Granted, my new heroes were not fully runed up - but I took a Gwen set up as panic - Pyre set up as interrupt - Tahlkora set up as protect - and Jora as a sword slasher - along with a Spiritway group - and they ate my lunch.

I went back to heroes and henchies until I get the other heroes worked out.
This kinda reminds me of back when I would have someone randomly on a PUG and they'd be like "YES I'LL ADD MY MONKS" and I will typically say "please don't" lol. Hench really aren't that bad, especially with the skill updates. :) I try to only bring my heroes when they're actually better than the hench...which isn't alwyas. Typically rolling with about 3 nowadays. :)
It took awhile to tweak the 7 hero team but I think I got it now: 3 discord necro hybrids, 2 rits, 1 motivation paragon, & 1 panic mesmer. I've tried it with several of my characters with little problems. Although I enjoy these 7-hero teams, I do enjoy playing with others more. However, the update just seemed to put more of an end to that :/
... I do enjoy playing with others more. However, the update just seemed to put more of an end to that :/

That's one thing that boggled my mind a bit about this update. Both Embark Beach and 7 hero teams seem like good ideas by themselves, but I suspect that the 7 hero update is part of what's causing Embark to fizzle very hard. I think it might've been prudent to hold off on 7 heroes for a few months until Embark had gained some popularity.

Mistimed, maybe?
That's one thing that boggled my mind a bit about this update. Both Embark Beach and 7 hero teams seem like good ideas by themselves, but I suspect that the 7 hero update is part of what's causing Embark to fizzle very hard. I think it might've been prudent to hold off on 7 heroes for a few months until Embark had gained some popularity.

Mistimed, maybe?

Not really, the people who actually want human groups for quests and missions and things will try and get them, the people who want to solo will solo, forcing people to do either isn't a good thing.
Not really, the people who actually want human groups for quests and missions and things will try and get them, the people who want to solo will solo, forcing people to do either isn't a good thing.

Well, you could be right in taht...it must be that no one in the game wants to group then. Have you seen how empty Embark is???

I think a big part of the issue is that for the most part, folks are doing UW/FoW/DoA/etc, and pretty much group there. Folks doing the daily Z Mission group at that outpost. Maybe it's possible people could get some more generic groups going there, like "LFG to vanquish in NF" or "lfg for event quest". Maybe this is unescapable with non-persistence.
Doing ok with Olly mm, Ogden, Souske fire, Vekk air, our centaur friend, Zhed, with water bar complimentary to Souske with steam on it, Tahl Prot, and Zandra SoS. Done some vanquishing with it, works fine.
My full hero team is da' bomb.

(me +)
Thalkora - UA healer
Dunkuro - UA prot'er
Olias - MM
Gwen - Panic
Xandra - SoS/Splinter

(+2 of the following, depending on situation)
Jora - Hundred Blades
Pyre - Greater Conflag. (a fire bow ranger w/ Kindle Arrows + Conjure Flame)
Master of Whispers - SS necro
Ogden - UA smiter


Usually I've been running Master of Whispers and Ogden as the two filler slots. But what makes my team so cool and special is that I'm running what Ryan or Wiz (forget who used the term first to me) calls "Petway". Basically, all my heros have a lvl 20 black moa pet, and I have a lvl 20 dire rainbow phoenix. And I'm running Ebon Battle Standard of Honor -- so me, 7 moas, 1 phoenix, minions, spirits... there's just a ton of bodies that monster groups don't know what to do with.

It's pretty fun.
I've generally been running 2 monks (UA healing/protting), a Fire Ele, a Me/E with Fire and Dom, a Panic Mes, a MM, and then 2 of either a Lifestealing Dervish, a SoS, a motigon, or the 0 energy supportive warrior that I use to give my monks more energy with succor.

I've been doing that with my warrior and have had very few difficulties except for areas where I get swarmed with tons and tons of stuff, like the bridge at the bottom of the 2nd to last mission of EoTN and the battle for Lions arch.
I took out a team of heroes last night that worked well enough to keep trying in different locations.

Me - a fire Ele
Spiritway - (basic 2 Rit - Razah and Xandra - and Master of Whispers MM)
SabWay - (basic 3 Necro - Olias, SS - MM - Livia - Necro/Rit healing)
they share the MM
Gwen - Panic Mesmer
Dunkoro - Healer

I was doing Dzarach Thicket vanquish. I used to use Sabway or Spiritway - depending on which set of heroes my character had. This group handled the mobs of wardens just fine - as well as the group with two bosses. I'll let you know if my opinion of this group changes.
Ah yes, the mighty petway. Thanks for reminding me Zephy, hadn't gotten a chance to pull that one out since the 7 hero update.

I'd like to try that one for DoA. Nothing says team protection like Panic and 30+ disposable allies. Oh yeahhhh.
Just tried petway (kind of). Triple Necro and every other hero with pets. Was pretty good. Like having mobile corpses for the Necros to feed off of plus the enemies seem a bit confused. lol