Fun with Webcams!

1. I think this thread is too funny to let slip to page 2
2. If popular demand proves enough, I can take a picture of myself and post it here. I have no photos from within the last 6 months, and besides, my face has remained elusive on every forum i've ever been on...popular demand says yay or nay?
Post! You can always do some clever hat-pulled-down or looking away thing. :)

Of course, I always say, "More photos." :)

Edit: Um, yeah. Apparently I've been saying it since page one or two...
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Dea really messed me up because I can't get the Maid Mirawyn avatar out of my mind when I think of her.

Well, I doubt more than a couple of you would ever meet me (if anyone at all does). Maid Mirawyn, however, you see often. So the choice was easy!

LOL I just saw this, looking back over the thread, and I guess I have to eat my words. There are now FIVE members of the guild who have met me in person...not counting Ishy and Dorkelf, of course.

Plus anyone else who comes to DRAGON CON!

*hint* *hint*
Haha, me an' a friend of mine wanna come, we're wondering what's a good "Road Trip Survival Kit" We're thinking 3 2-packs of pringles, 2 cases of jones soda, 2 cases water, 1 bin laffy taffy, 2 giant bags of popcorn, 1 3-lb box of cheese-itz...and so on.

Slightly on-topic: I just got a mixed-media art project today. Make anything we want out of stuff laying around the house. Good excuse to make some cosplay warrior armor....
Well, I'm a college student, i only work 2 days a week ontoppa that. But unlike most, I own stock, so that helps
I work 15 hours a week during semester and 40 hours a week during summer and I don't see any money from it... However since I work for the college (as does almost everyone attending CofO) it goes directly to pay my tuition. So I can't complain. :cool:

And not everyone I know is broke. There are some diehard workaholics (like one of my sisters) that can juggle 15 hours working for the college, 20 hours of classes, and an off campus job at the same time. And the reason they aren't broke is because they never have the time to actually spend the money they're making (except for gas...).

I should post a picture of myself sometime and keep with the main purpose of this thread. :eek:
Dea dont you know that his avatar is him dressing up for Dragon*Con??

My Brother (Palin Ranger) and I (Mathias or anything w/ Pixels) play, here's something he did in Gimp. A great, free program worth a download for those of us who can't afford the $300.00+ price tag of Adobe Pshop.


I'm on the left, Micah's in the middle, and that's my sis (she doesn't play) on the far right... :)

... bunch of clowns...
I might regret this, but you reminded me...


I actually got paid by AMC to dress up as Anakin for SW:III and walk around and talk to people during opening weekend. The clincher, though, was that we had this professionally choreographed fight between Mace, me, and the two random dark Jedi (who, yes, didn't exist, but still). The dark jedi on the right is one of my best friends from back home, Mace was actually my manager who I grew pretty close to and Padme was my girlfriend at the time. We had an Obi-Wan too, but he tore up his ankle during one of the last practices. This would be the height of my nerd'dom career. :D


PS- Lightsaber effects edited in, no worries. And it's with the real Photoshop. (Matt, you forgot to include those of us with rich roommates to bum a product key off of.) We were given those nice Force Action ones to use though.
My first photo to appear on the site was actually a pic of me with my lightsaber and Princess Leia hair, from the Ep III special showing we went to. :) And I didn't tell anyone it was me...they thought it was just a random pic.
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