Game Update 7/27/2006


New Member
Just a word of warning, this update is big. It has taken be almsot 20 minutes to download on a DSL connection. I pity dial up users! I also had to load a lot of new files when I accessed Spirit of Elisha's guild hall.

Update - Thursday July 27

* Updated the list of available PVP character templates to include the templates designed by the Esoteric Warriors guild.
* Added key bindings for the following game functions: Drop Item, Follow, Suppress Action, Zoom In, and Zoom Out.
* Modified cinematics so that minions no longer decay and mission time no longer elapses while cinematics are playing.
* Updated the Trade dialog to reduce the likelihood of a common scam. The Trade dialog now displays a message whenever the trade offer is modified.
* Added a secondary profession changer to the Great Temple of Balthazar.
* Added a Championship Trophy to the Great Temple of Balthazar.
* Moved the positions of the Xunlai Agents in the Great Temple of Balthazar.
* Updated the appearance of the Guild roster. Invitations are now issued from within the invitee and guest lists, and the number of online and total members is displayed for each guild rank.
* Updated the appearance of the Options dialog. Option settings are now divided into tabbed categories.
* Updated the art used for Health bars.
* Added a new effect that desaturates screen colors when your character is dead.


* Arcane Mimicry: added a restriction so that it cannot be used on Elite Dervish Form skills.
* Consume Soul: updated to match its description. The caster must target and touch a Spirit.


The following skill balance changes will be in effect only during the Nightfall PvP preview event:

* Balthazar's Aura: reduced duration to 8 seconds.
* Divine Boon: increased recharge time to 10 seconds.
* Zealot's Fire: increased recharge time to 45 seconds.
* Increased earshot range to the radius of the Danger Zone (the inner white circle on the mini-map radar).
About 14 megs is what I would guess, took me 45 seconds to download on my 5Mbps FioS connection.

Another noticeable change is to the shouts-- they have doubled the range, making To The Limit! plus Fear Me! spams a viable e-denial option.
It didn't take me that long at all to download. I pity some of you guys.

However, I think I have like 3 mbps... so... yeah..
i have good cable but was slow as heck
oh yeah well my computers made of wood
I'd tell you how long it took to download on my computer but I didn't even notice the difference with my 15MBPS download. I do feel for those of you on dial up though.

I must've been trying to download it at a peak time or something. My connection is usually really quick. I'm glad no one else experienced the sluggish downloading.