Get out there and VOTE!

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Tomorrow is Nov. 7. Everyone 18 and over, get your rears in gear, walk or drive out to your polling place, and vote!

I've spent at least five hours in the last two days researching political candidates, so I don't want to hear that anyone doesn't have the time, or doesn't want to vote because they're not informed. :p

WARNING: More than 30 consecutive minutes of reading political web sites can make you feel light-headed. Consume political materials with caution.
And if you live in the province of Ontario, get out to vote for your municipal goverment/city councilers on the 13th. :)
Ugh. I got up a hour early (6 am) to go vote.

I was on TS with guildees until after 3 am. So yeah. (Hey, Pastori, do I have to be coherent for that meeting tonight? >_> <_< Or do I just need to be there?)
WARNING: More than 30 consecutive minutes of reading political web sites can make you feel light-headed. Consume political materials with caution.

Amen to that

although what was really frustrating was after doing the research and making notes...I FORGOT MY CHEAT SHEET!!!!!!!

Still voted though :)
I voted and I have the sticker to prove it, although voting for most candidates was essentially choosing whether I wanted a donkey or elephant to poop on me.
Rofl, Pastori...

Anyway, it appears Granholm is going to win... time for another 4 years of the 49th worst economy in the US...

"...and in 5 years, you'll be blown away!"
-Jennifer Granholm

Yeah, Granmole, but it's possible to improve the economy in less than 9 years since you've started your shananagans. (ummm... how do you spell that?)

9 years once she thinks it'll happen, I mean
I was going to get an absentee ballot, but apparently that was supposed to happen BEFORE the 7th. I guess it didn't matter considered I had to REGISTER to vote. Call me ignorant, but I honestly didn't know any of this. NO ONE TOLD ME!!! :(
Wait, you get a STICKER to vote?!!! Wow, I must live in the cheapest state in the union. All I got was "HA HA HA!!! How cute, he voted Constitution Party!"