Giving back to Chrisitan Gamers (At least the ones with Android Phones)


New Member
Hey everyone ,
It’s been awhile since I posted on here / played TF2.
But I haven’t forgotten you.

I wanted to let everyone know I have created a Christian game for Android phones. It is based on the Conditional IF statements of the bible.

Here is a short description:
"Study the Conditional verses of the Bible in a new way!"
The Bible is an "Iffy" book, it has over 1400 verses containing the word “IF”! This game presents these verses with 32 different variations to play & learn. It allows for study of these conditional promises and becomes a challenge to better your own score or oust the score of others online.

right now it has about 570 verses in it but we will be adding all 1400 to it shortly.

You can find it for FREE on the android market by searching for "Iffy" . The full name is "The Iffy Bible Game"

Feedback welcome so please let me know what you think positive or negative.

Thanks KireTheCaller,Let me know if you like after you give it a try.

Also I wanted to post some screenshots for those interested.


Main Menu


Answer Review / Score screen