Global Warming Lie pt2

Ya, I don't know about "keeping it in the church" either...if that means the church organization. I guess what my concern boils down to is this... Global warming made by man has srious flaws. But our response to it can be polarizing and remove us from a position to make am argument. For example, if Christians were known as protectionists for the environment,because God made us it's caretaker, how much stronger would our position be in defeating the current flawed hypothesis.

Would it really help? Christians have a bad name because they are notorious at saying one thing, act another and a good deal don't explain very well why and then without saying it, come across as "I'm forgiven, so I can do what ever I want."

If we were perfect, things would be different. We aren't so we have what we have. Best solution is do what you can do based on what you think is correct and don't force others to do as you do or do as you think they should do.
Would it really help? Christians have a bad name because they are notorious at saying one thing, act another and a good deal don't explain very well why and then without saying it, come across as "I'm forgiven, so I can do what ever I want."

If we were perfect, things would be different. We aren't so we have what we have. Best solution is do what you can do based on what you think is correct and don't force others to do as you do or do as you think they should do.

I think it would help, though I don't know how much.

Some Christians don't even say the right things... Pat Robertson anyone?
I think it would help, though I don't know how much.

Some Christians don't even say the right things... Pat Robertson anyone?

It is the Pat Robertson's that define what Christianity is, sadly. It's the fringe, not the mainstream. The ignorance of what Christianity is as displayed by the buffoons on the WOW-Stonemaul was not defined by me, rather it was defined by decades and centuries of fringe activists. And not all in the church agree on all points. That is why we have many denominations. And within each denomination, many differing opinions and practices. It has been 2000 years of fracture that has been portrayed on the public stage by spin doctors that we fight against. Even in these forums, we have a wide range of opinions on AGW from support to dissent and all manners and means in between. The church could not possibly ever hope to dream to come out with a unified voice on such matters. And in that, it probably matters much less that it is highly likely that all positions are right.
Hmm...I gues what I am imagining is not so much the church collectively picking up the batton to fight secular environmentalism. I guess my point is that aside from various legal issues that hit the mainstream media, I never hear of Christians taking a stand against chemicals in the water, non-degradable trash. Maybe I just don't hear it often and it takes place more than I know it just seems like the secularist non-christians have picked up the "saving the environment" banner and by our actions we said ok.
Bah Im typing from my phone so don't think I am speaking in absolutes. The water and trashthing should have an etc. After it. And I can't see the everyhing I have typed at once so it's hard for me to edit.