Glory of the Hero


New Member
So...I am an achiever...and I want my Red Proto Drake real bad. So I'm looking for a group of people to join me who also want to finish this achievement and get their drake. I'd like to run these WotLK heroic instances every night if we can until we get all the achievements. The time will probably be between 2:00 and 6:30 pm SERVER TIME, so if you want to get your drake, are level 80-85, and can be online for around an hour or so during these times (these are weekday times, weekend times could any time of the day pretty much) then post your character name, class, level, and role (dps, tank, heals) or whisper or mail me (Engris) in-game. Now, let's go get those drakes!

One more thing: this probably won't start until next week as I have a school project that will take all of this week, and requires pretty much all of my free time to do :(
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I might just be willing to heal this with my priest. He looks kind of lame on the the griffin that he's bigger than. He hasn't done ANY wotlk heroics though.
We could probably do em all with three, especially with a healer...and I've rogue tanked em before :p. When you two are on the same time as me we should start doing the ones that take multiple runs like Violet Hold and Oculus.
I'm usually up for it, only issue is due to my work schedule and time zone, I don't get online until 'late' at around 7:30 ST. Hence the reason I haven't been involved in much raiding (and none of the cata raids with the exception of BH).

And while my gear is for Holy spec, I'm pretty certain I could put out more than enough DPS on my dark side for WotLK dungeons...