God is cool


New Member
This past Wednesday, I led worship at my church... I've done this several times, and all have been great occasions, but this one takes the cake...

I was supposed to do 3-4 songs and then close in prayer and open up for the speaker.

Well, at the end of my songs, I was closing my eyes, getting ready to pray...and my fingers started playing something else.

I wound up playing three songs. One I've never even played and only heard about twice. AND I REMEMBERED ALL OF THE WORDS. WOO!

But then, it gets better! After /that/, my hands once again decided they were not done. I started playing and signing the first things that came into my mind, and by the end of it all, nearly 30 minutes of woship that was improvised or unpracticed, the entire congregation was in tears.

I have three words for you...

That is SO cool! God is amazing. I lead worship as well. Never had an experience like that, but have had equally as powerful/amazing times of worship. Praise/Worship is so incredibly powerful. People are touched and CHANGED during those times. Many times I am amazed God chose little 'ol me to be a part of that. Keep up the great work.
Me? I play piano/keyboards. I used to play trumpet and I also play drums.

But you were probably asking Vanaze. Or maybe DrummerGirl...
I wish I could play my trombone more often at church, it's one of the few things I still *love* to do. Every time I think about playing I get excited.
One of our worship teams has a trombone and sax player. The trombone player just got a new one and it sounds beautiful. Really cuts through the music nicely.
Errrrrrrr, UHHH!!!

Sorry, forgot I even made this topic :-x.

Been busy the past couple of days, but in answer to your question...

I play guitar. La guitarra. Mien geetar!@

Yea, well, ah.....*cough*

I've got to go to work now. Check out my post on a prayer request I have, please!

Danke and peace!
