Going away for a bit


New Member
Hi Folks. Haven't been on the last few days. I'm doing okay and been having fun in guild wars 2 for the most part. But I feel the spirit has been talking to me a lot about repentance and moving forward.
I've known for a while now that the Lord wants to fill me with new desires and to receive his love and joy and good wonderful pleasure.
So I will be away for a while as I take time to reflect spend more time with him and try to discover these new desires he has for me.
Thank you so much for sharing your passions and callings with us Brothertruck. These threads pop up every now and again and while I am sad about seeing a fellow member take a break, I always am encouraged and elated that our members have their priorities straight. This guild is meant to compliment our walk with Christ, not hinder it. That's why our third section in our Code of Conduct is Remain Rooted. So thank you for being honest and vulnerable and I pray that God blesses you with clarity and vision. That a fire be stoked within your soul and you find all that you are looking for.
Thanks Stc. The last few days have been a bit rocky. But I remain hopeful for the future. Thi morning the church prayed for me in special need and others as well.
I also got to spend a little time with my God parents and I feel a little more at peace. I think the spirit has told me that I don't need to full turn away from video games. The fact that you guys have been a blessing to me and to fellowship in game has been fun.

I'll admit that I've been a hardcore gamer long before I came to Christ and I have tried numerous attempts to give it up because I thought the Lord was telling me that it became an idol. But I think at the same time I have tried to abstain from this activity on my own strength and have failed. I don't think I can quit playing video games cold turkey style. but I believe that in the last year alone video games has lost it's appeal to me slowly.

I believe that one day I will wake up and no longer have the desire. Please pray for me for it is the Lord's strength that I need . I am trying but I can't do it alone.
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I believe that one day I will wake up and no longer have the desire. Please pray for me for it is the Lord's strength that I need . I am trying but I can't do it alone.

I have experienced both ends of the spectrum. Sometimes an idol or other sin seems insurmountable, and even as I pray about it, I start to lose faith that it will ever change. Then bam - the desire is gone overnight, to such an effect that I don't even realize it's gone for a few weeks. But in other cases, it is not so quick and may very well be a lifelong struggle. I think it's a matter of God building our character for endurance. Ultimately, He knows if a long struggle with something will bring great fruit later on. Stay faithful and prayerful, and cling to some of His great promises (e.g. Romans 8:28-30).
Thanks. I will of course provide updates. Also if the guild manages to get a bible study going I'll definitely join in

haha I read "manages" as "mandates" and got really confused at where things were going. I didn't remember putting a Bible Study into the charter.. :p