Gone yet again


New Member
Hey I'm gone this weekend, again... This is a youth group outing tho, plz keep us in your prayers, its thurs-sun. Thx guys

God bless
GL AND HF ERYN!!! u'll be in my prayers!!.. dont be gone every weekend, shesh!
Hey DG don't forget to leave aim on so we can spam you all weekend. Not that it will help raise the postcount...
Lol yes I'm leaving meh aim up (I havn't left yet, we leave in a few hours) But if I lose meh connection during the weekend I lose all my pretty spam messages.
Sad I cant spam you your screen name isnt on the roster and I don't know it =/
rgr, ToJDrummerGirl. It's not on roster cuz I can't login to change meh profiel, meh name is to long to log in :p It's almost 10 now, we leave at 11, I'm so excited, I got up at 6:30 (thats like in the middle of the nite to me, I usually get up round 9.
Hey all, youth group outing going good. I found a comp, so decided to post, even tho I have nuthin to post about. I guess I just feel like spamming. Anyway we head home in a hour.... ya.... I'm a lil bored....and sunburned.... neway its going great, thx 4 da prayers God bless.
hmm she has a point though.. if you copy her post hundred times and stick in on crazy's face.. yup its an awesome spam
me is jus playin round..

*walks over and appologizes to crazy_legs.. yet aware that he may be ready to blast me again with his dualies*
O and Dead_Aim's probably ordered a score of Carriers already and is on the way

j00 r doomed if u try to blast us again