Goodbye Everyone! (video)


New Member
Well, it's time for me to move short as these few weeks was, I enjoyed my visit.

Unfortunately this time I won't be returning (unless some freakish; and I mean FREAKISH--thing happens) for BC. My account expires just before BC comes out, but I'm leaving town until then so I can't access my gaming computer.

And of course, as promised, I'd push out one last video for you all, as conclusion of my characteristic psycho-ness of cheesy video making.

This is the final episode of my BtP series. The pvp clips are much more limited, although I added a few new elements to this one. I wish I had more time to edit and fix up this one, but this was all I could do in the time I had. Enjoy! (227 mb, kinda big) :D;6401570;;/fileinfo.html

Goodbye Redeemed! It was great playing with you all these years, and I will be sure to drop by on my friends' accounts to say hi.

*feels warm and fuzzy on the inside*
You were a PvP inspiration, sir. May the Lord bless your travels in other realms, be they virtual or real.