Great Job Last Night!


New Member
After 3 hours of horrible LoL games while in queue, I got on and had a pretty epic time doing the Fae in a sleep deprived state! This must be how it feels to be on drugs...I was sooooo tired that I would have to get up and pump my legs a few times to get the blood flowing!

First and foremost, I have to give Kit (Bachra sp?) and Jason (Corinth) a lot of credit! We went in there with 2 lvl 18's 2 lvl 17's and a lvl 13 Healer and OWNED that place!!!

That was some great healing and tanking you guys!

I had some observations and questions.

Kit, did you feel like you were struggling to absorb damage because of your level/gear or the class dynamics and skills? How viable do you think you would be in harder instances or maybe endgame? Were you tank spec or more of a hybrid dps/tank spec?

Jason, I saw you didnt have problems with mana really...the main difficult you had (rarely) was when we had 3 mobs on 3 different people (whether it be because of adds or split dps). I think the aoe healing nature of my Bard helped quite a bit with that but when you switched targets that might have been when Kit got lowest. I heard Kit shout when his shields were up...was that your cue to heal others or do some mana regen ability? Good job either way! Grats on the TWO levels you got in the instance!

Cherub! You had sap at lvl 17 or is that something that you got at 18 when you leveled in the instance? I only saw it used once...we could make the pulls a lot easier if you did that consistently and pulled a mob that wasn't the sapped one! I think that pull was our most dangerous, no? lol

Mirakle!!!!! I would like to run a couple more Fae's with the parser working so I could measure my usefulness as a Bard in a small group setting...In a raid I am sure the buffs and debuffs (5% more physical damage taken by the mobs, Flat Attack and Spell Power, AOE Healing x3, etc...) will be game changing but in a smaller group my being a damage dealer might be more efficient.

So, I would like to see how much damage I was doing, taking 5% of the damage all the physical damage dealers do and where I am on the healing meters and kinda make a formula of efficiency for Support/Hybrid characters. Maybe compare it to benchmarks other Bards are creating (

Overall, great fun! I felt the instance got really EPIC when the snow portion started...I couldn't see anything! Btw, I woke up today at 10am when a co-worker called me asking me where I was! Ack! It was my new phone alarm's fault...I set it up and the volume of the alarm was off...Oh well...I was working until 8pm today ANYHOW...seems only fair I would get in working not as much Rift as I would like this weekend :/

See you all in game tonight at 8:30pm or so!
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Kit, did you feel like you were struggling to absorb damage because of your level/gear or the class dynamics and skills? How viable do you think you would be in harder instances or maybe endgame? Were you tank spec or more of a hybrid dps/tank spec?

If Kit can post his spec i might be able to give a few tips
I echo this. GREAT JOB ALL! It was a ton of fun and I got 2 hours of sleep last night!! Funny thing is as of right now I feel pumped and ready for another great night.

As far as having "sap", yeah, my bad, totally forgot I even had that power because we were all leveling together. We were just mowing down crowds like nothing so I never used it. So, yes, I got it and can use it :)

I'm excited for addon's to come out. Hopefully they make Recount for Rift. I honestly don't know how much I'm contributing and I'd like to figure out a rotation that maxes DPS.
I can speak from experience healing only other hybrid tanks, as I have yet to heal a true warrior pally. This said no I normally do not have trouble with mana... The only time yes any healer will struggle is when someone who is not main tank takes damage.

However at level 13 my big heals were not yet unlocked. We did that with my quick heal, and my 2 secound heal, and the AOE one... The AOE heal is mana eater so when others start getting hit I do not always switch, I just cast the aoe heal and this does less heal but to everyone...

This was not my favored skills for this. I will have those in about 2 levels. Plus I didnt have decent off souls, I had 2 useless alternative souls... All I got from them was a single buff. I did no damage really, as I felt my level and mana pool was best used healing.

PLUS I was not completly healing speced in the trees I had... I was standing at the cleric trainer right as I got the summon.

This was not an issue, and we agreeded before hand that since you could not find a decent level cleric I would just go so Kit could see the instance we had no goal of finishing it at that hour...> We shocked ourselves in that we made it with a Gimped healer....

Also the Cleric as a tank, is not an issue. The damage they take is fine, especially once I get that 3 secound heal.

The damage that the rogue took when tanked was ok too, So far as I could tell on both they did not drain my mana too bad, and only in big situations. Looking forward to getting deeper in my Sent Soul. 40% damage reduction for 10 secound for the win!