Greetings All


New Member
I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi to everyone. I am a long time WoW player (since beta) but have stopped playing the game for the last 2 2/1 months due to needing to take a break and stop being a "mid-core" raider. I have been in a raiding guild on the Malfurion server for the last 3 years and needed to take a break from raiding and due to the "guild atmosphere" become less than uplifting and edifying.

I was one of two people that rolled a Deathknight for the WotLK expansion and served in a DPS role. I was also a Shaman healer through all TBC content and raids. My DK is "Dantzor" (level 80) and my Shaman is "Druuen" (level 70). They are both on the Malfurion server and in the guild "Dauntless".

I spoke with someone in the guild when I was considering leaving the game about a transfer, but decided at that time to simply take a break. I am considering coming back in a limited capacity and was looking for a good home and a good group of fellow believers to game with.

I have been playing Warhammer with the Lions of Judah and Redeemed folks and have enjoyed the game, but have considered playing WoW again with the new patch coming out.

I wasn't sure where to fill out an application so here is my post. Take care and God bless to all.

Hi Marc, glad to meet you. We don't have open invites but we do love meeting fellow believers. We are a casual guild who is hooked up with an excellent Small Guild Alliance for those of us who want a bit of end game raiding. Swing by on Alliance on the Terenas server and find an officer.