Greetings and Salutations


New Member
Hello everyone, I'am Whitestone.

My gaming experiene is limited primarily to EQ. I have been playing for about two and a half years. Speaking of which does anyone else play EQ on the Veeshan server?

Next question is anyone planning on playing City of Heros or the game Sigil is making when they come out?

Please let me know, I would like to interact, group with, be guilded with more RL Christians than I currently am in EQ.

I have never been one for long post, so that about does it for my intro.

Hey Whitestone,

I don't play EQ anymore, but I used to play on Veeshan. Many many moons ago. I was in Magistry guild and then a brief while I was in Ring of Shadows after they merged... Anyway, good to see you and glad you are here.
