guide to onyxia key


Member, Dreamcast Fishing Guru
here is the walkthrough I made on the old immortals forums, hope it helps you. If something is too vague plz post here and I will fix it.

1) Go to Burning Steppes. Visit Helendis Riverhorn in the SE marshal's camp, who will give you a quest called 54 Dragonkin Menace(Elite). In this quest you are told to go kill:
15 black broodlings
10 black dragonspawn
4 black wyrmkin
1 black drake
You can find each of these on the eastern side of the zone. Black drakes fly around, as well as the broodlings. The wyrmkin and dragonspawn are at camps along the east side of the zone. Kill these then return to Helendis.

2) Next you will be sent to Lakeshire in Redrigdge, to Magistrate Solomon. He is in the town hall of Lakeshire. Deliver the Letter and he will tell you to take another letter to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon. The highlord is the protector of the boy king in the keep in stormwind. He will tell you to speak with the woman right next to him (really onyxia). Then you need to take a reply back to Lakeshire, then you need to speak with marshal in the burning steppes south camp. Marshal will tell you to find Ragged John. The guy you are looking for is up near the wyvern handler in north burning steppes at the other camp in the mountains. He is the dwarf named Ragged John. Speak to him, learn of another marshal's whereabouts, then return to the marshal in the south camp.

3) Now the marshal (in the south camp in steppes) tells you to find out what happened to marshal windsor in the black rock depths. Enter BRD with a group, go to the prison area which should be to the NE from the entrance (it's a long oval that goes around to different cells). Clear out the guards to the very back of the prison and kill the named back there in a little room. She drops the prison key. This is a lot easier if you have somebody with you who already has the key. Take the key, and if you enter the prison from the left hallway, it will be the 2nd openable door on the left that contains marshal windsor. Talk to him then return back to the marshal in the south camp in burning steppes.

4) Now you will notice you don't have another quest to follow up on! It ended right there at the marshal in south camp! Don't worry, snag another group and head back into BRD. Off random guys, a "crumpled up note" will drop. This gives you the continuation of the quest. Take this note to marshal windsor in the prison and the quest will continue.

5) Marshal windsor now asks you to retrieve two lost pieces of information for him so he can prove that the lady by the king is really onyxia.... so you have to head deeper into BRD and kill the General Angerforge (pretty close to entrance), and then the golem lord argelmach( which is by the golems on the way to the emp). Get the 2 lost pieces of information from these two, then head back to windsor and turn them in... and you will notice he gives a final quest!

6) Marshal now asks you to escort him out of the prison. This needs a good group, and try to get people who all need it in the same part. Before you do this part though, CLEAR OUT ALL THE ENEMIES AROUND THE AREA, AND IN THE PRISON. This will save you a lot of problems while he's walking. At first he doesn't have his armor and you get an ambush, use AE to get aggro off him and kill swiftly. don't let him die. He goes into a supply room (you need to clear this room out ... it's the first on right in the right hallway i believe), and guys will spawn. but afterwards he gets his armor and is a little tougher. Escort hi mall the way around and Boom, you win.

7) He will then tell you to meet him at the gate to stormwind. Head to stormwind, find him at the gate, and talk to him to start the escort, he will walk all the way to the castle, and then confront onyxia... stay a ways back in this part so you don't aggro. they will win pretty easily, just stay back. When the time comes, the guard of the boy will walk up and you will see the '?' over his head... get this part... then you ready to get the blood from the general of UbRS (After one last part)

Cool He protector tells you that he needs you to speak with some dragonkin or something of the sort... so pack your bags because you are heading to winterspring! In the middle of the area, on the western part of the road, there is a cave with a bunch of dragonkin (elite) and little dragons outside. You have to fight or suicide run all the way to the back of the cave where there is a blue pentagram or such on the floor. Step on that and you will be teleported to the top of the mountain where you will turn in your quest, and be given the one where you must kill the general in UBRS for his blood.

9) Head to UBRS, get blood from general, and return to the dragonkin in winterspring and WUALA! You have your key!

thanks to Snuggles Vyr for making this available.
ok we know how to get the keys and when the quest starts ect, i am planning on trying to start getting mine tomarrow with Jambres say at like


anyone want to meet up?
Melko? its your day off care to join? anyone else? we will be starting on sqaure one so dont worry if you havent started it yet.
I'm at the point of collecting the missing information: I've collected one peice from the Golem Lord.

A few of us have expressed interest in working a bit on this tomorrow evening.
I'm needing to do UBRS...but I will help a few of the other guild members get there first in due time. Its a has been a very fun and at times challanging quest line to do. Well worth trying to get as many guild members onto it on their own time.