Guild Bank Goodies 2/17/09

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New Member
Our awesome raiders have been making short work of things, and part of the spoils of that is that some very nice BoE pieces have dropped that no one in the raid could use. The officers talked about what to do about these kind of drops, and here's the plan:
1) Obviously, if someone in the raid claims the item, they get them
2) The items will go in the guild bank temporarily and the raid leaders may "place" items with raiders who they think could best use them. The idea is that the item came from the raid, so first dibs should go to have helped raids progress.
3) If there isn't a good "home" for the item, either I or another officer will list the items here. If you are interested in the item, will use it on your main, and can use it on your main (e.g. meet the level requirement ... sorry, no good if you WILL DEFINITELY use the item when you're 80 but you're only level 62 right now), say so in this thread. Basically say the toon name and "need it."
4) If the item is nice and you'd "like it" but don't necessarily need it ... go ahead and post here but put "like it." You'll get 2nd priority to "need" folks but if no one "needs" then you may still get it.
5) Based on the responses to 3) and 4) above, a random /roll will be done by an officer and the winner will be given the item.
6) We'll wait a week before doing the roll ... so basically if you want in on the items below, make sure you post no later than 2/24/09.
7) If no one wants at all ... we'll either vendor or disenchant the item.
8) You do not have to be a raider or plan to raid to get an item here ... this is the raid community "giving back" to the guild. Go raiders! Um, in the non-Oakland sense...

Current available goodies are:
Putrescent Bands (leather healing bracers)
Namlak's Supernumerary Sticker (tanking? dagger)
Gloves of Token Respect (cloth caster gloves)
Bone-Framed Bracers (plate caster wrists)

Daunting Legplates (lvl.78 plate legs)
Eternal Observer's Legplates of the Foreseer (lvl.74 plate legs)
Leggings of Violent Exsanguination (lvl.77 leather legs)
Refined Ore Gloves (lvl.80 plate hands)
Grips of the Warming Heart (lvl.78 mail hands)
Awakened Handguards (lvl.80 leather hands)
Shimmerthread Girdle (lvl.78 cloth waist)
Vrykuyl Shackles (lvl.70 leather wrist)
Corehound Fang Shoulderpads (lvl.72 leather shoulders)
Gwyneth's Runed Dragonwand (lvl.78 wand)
Darkweb Bindings (lvl.74 mail wrist)
Brighthelm of Guarding (lvl.74 plate helm)
Dragonstompers (lvl.77 mail feet)
Torta's Oversized Choker (lvl.78 neck)
King's Square Bracers (lvl.78 wrist)
Unbelievable, a spam topic attracts posts like honey attracts bees, but you talk about giving away purples and no one says a word. Guess our guild IS different...

Gilga: Putrescent Bands - need
I may be able to use that Namlak's Supernumerary Sticker for an off has nice stats.

If we can't find owners for these items we can always DE and the Abyss Crystals and Dream Shards for Enchants to give out.
I would like Bone-Framed Bracers for Minyatur, but they would be off-set.
I would love:
Daunting Legplates
Refined Ore Gloves
Torta's Oversized Choker

And Laraptor would love:
Gloves of Token Respect
Shimmerthread Girdle
Gwyneth's Runed Dragonwand

But we are both 74(well we are almost 74, a bubble from dinging) so maybe next weekend:p

I would love:
Daunting Legplates
Refined Ore Gloves
Torta's Oversized Choker

And Laraptor would love:
Gloves of Token Respect
Shimmerthread Girdle
Gwyneth's Runed Dragonwand

But we are both 74(well we are almost 74, a bubble from dinging) so maybe next weekend:p
I withdraw my request for Leggings of Violent Exsanguination (lvl.77 leather legs) as I bought something else. Took too long for you all to decide to either give these out to guildies or hang on to them for mains.
I may be able to use that Namlak's Supernumerary Sticker for an off has nice stats.

If we can't find owners for these items we can always DE and the Abyss Crystals and Dream Shards for Enchants to give out.

Still stands... I'd be Def capped with that now!!

I'm working on being Def capped while DW 2-handers!!
There are some judgement calls I had to make here so to the extent you don't agree with them, I am totally to blame. The basic goal was qualified mains > leveling mains > off-sets > alts ... but really the only people who didn't get all they put in a "bid" on were Laraptor and Brokesnare but they each did get something.

I've mailed the blues out. The purples you will need to ask a co-GL to get for you.

Putrescent Bands (leather healing bracers) -> Gilga
Namlak's Supernumerary Sticker (tanking? dagger) -> Mordos
Gloves of Token Respect (cloth caster gloves) -> Avram/Ezekiel
Bone-Framed Bracers (plate caster wrists) -> Minyatur
Daunting Legplates (lvl.78 plate legs) -> Wheretoo
Refined Ore Gloves (lvl.80 plate hands) -> Wheretoo
Torta's Oversized Choker (lvl.78 neck) -> Wheretoo
Awakened Handguards (lvl.80 leather hands) -> Gilga
Shimmerthread Girdle (lvl.78 cloth waist) -> Brokesnare
Gwyneth's Runed Dragonwand (lvl.78 wand) -> Laraptor

To be disenchanted/sold:
Corehound Fang Shoulderpads (lvl.72 leather shoulders)
Darkweb Bindings (lvl.74 mail wrist)
Brighthelm of Guarding (lvl.74 plate helm)
Dragonstompers (lvl.77 mail feet)
King's Square Bracers (lvl.78 wrist)
Eternal Observer's Legplates of the Foreseer (lvl.74 plate legs)
Leggings of Violent Exsanguination (lvl.77 leather legs)
Grips of the Warming Heart (lvl.78 mail hands)
Vrykuyl Shackles (lvl.70 leather wrist)

We'll do this again in a few weeks. Goodies are already starting to accumulate again!
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