Guild Meeting on October 25th Notes


New Member
1.Odale stepping down as BD4L
2.Icthus is the BD4Lik2or3weeks
4.Banker: Deamiter
5.Spiritual Formations: Durick
6.Informaton-Tech: Mirakle
7.Meli was1 when Baddwin Graduated from HS.
8.Meli was 2 when Icthus started Christian Ministry.
9.Taxes = 10%
10.Higher-level members are urged to tithe at higher rates.
11.Possibility of Redeemed helping crafters.
12.Redeemed = largest guild on REM, WOOT!!

If there is information from the meeting missing on those notes...I apologize. I was trying to find the fish and quest while the tempBD4L was talking. =P
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SamIAm said:
That he couldn't find a decent BD42-3W, so he settled on Icthus.
Ouchie. It's not too late to get demoted. Then again, isn't that what you're trying to do? :)

Meli said:
If there is information from the meeting missing on those notes
And here, I thought you were kidding about posting pictures. Very nice. Boeing?

As for the tax/tithe - the discussion wasn't closed last night - Icthus wanted more feedback about how we should proceed.

One suggestion was that the higher levels that make more money should tithe more. This sounds reasonable to me. I bumped up my tithe to 10% during the meeting (I'm still working talisman-crafting, so I don't have the huge money source that some of the others have)

Another suggestion was that we overall increase the tax rate. This definitely hurts the lower level people that are trying to save for a mount, work some crafting skills, etc. Just my opinion, but this may actually make it so less people are willing to take up crafting skills and share the results with the guild. Some of the potions and talismans will bring in good money instead of supplying it to the guild. I'd hate to see it come to that.

The last suggestion I remember for taxes, tithing, and money was to subsidize the crafters that supply stuff to the guild. It comes dangerously close to having to institute a DKP system. This sounds dangerous to me. It's hard to say that +3 STR talismans are worth X gold... Personally, as a talisman maker, I'd rather just dump my stuff into the guild bank and watch which types are getting low, and replenish them as I get more materials.

IT officer: Mirakle. Sad thing is that Mirakle is taking an extended AFK (as he posted here in the forums recently). Icthus asked for people to consider stepping in while he's away. The main responsibilities are testing/suggestion addons, helping get Ventrilo working, and other minor things about getting the game running more smoothly.

Former officers that have stepped down go to Grand Council status. Thank you all for your efforts in getting Redeemed to where it is today!

Alts restriction has been lifted. Hit up any officer to get your alts in. Invites to new/potential members still need to be filtered through the Recruiting officers (FJ, Ambri, and Shebaely)

Last thing I remember is that FJ and his is going to Japan to renew their vows since her parents weren't able to attend the first wedding. He'll be afk.
Ah, forgot to mention the reason for the discussion on the increased tax/tithe rates. It costs upto 10g/hr to hold tier 4 keeps. Currently, we have about 120g, and so we can only hold a keep for 12 hours. The longer we hold keeps, the more the walls and doors get re-inforced, making them harder to take, easier to defend, etc.

Plus it just looks cool to have our name on the maps.

Make sure if you notice a Destro standard laying around that you capture it. We can put it on display in a keep that we own... kind of a "neener neener neener!" thing.
And here, I thought you were kidding about posting pictures. Very nice. Boeing?

Haha....I never kid. =P It's on a Boeing pad cuz I got the pad at a career fair and companies love giving swag away at those things so I come out with armloads of stuff. =D