Guild Wars 2 is in the making

ya you can be quiet now...

*shuts up*.... back on topic GW2 may be like CS:S.... i know that i personally enjoy 1.6 way better than source for online play... but I'm too lazy to install on 1.6 to play with other characters. so for single player, i like CS:S better... I'm assuming that what will happen with GW2 is that it will have its better points than GW, and will have its worse points as well.
Some of that info is a little weird. Especiall the sidekick thing. That would mean that there would be no helping the newbs?
Some of that info is a little weird. Especiall the sidekick thing. That would mean that there would be no helping the newbs?

Actually sidekicking is a way to help the lowbies. Because the way it works is this. If you are say level 50, and you sidekick a level 10, the level 10 becomes like a level 49 so long as they are within a certain proximity of you. So this can help them significantly in completing objectives or quests as a whole. I would imagine that killing mobs while in sidekick mode won't grant you any experience if the mobs are too close to your normal level. But if it helps you finish a quest that you couldn't otherwise do, it helps cause you still get to turn the quest in for the experience. Additionally, it's an optional system, you can still just opt to party with the lowbie and help them that way. At least this is how I remember it when I played CoV.
They have released info on GW2 and Eye of the North on website.

Your deeds from the original Guild Wars campaigns will be commemorated in the Eye of the North expansion in your Hall of Monuments. The Hall of Monuments will reflect the achievements you earn in Eye of the North as well as those earned in Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. You will even be able to show off your hall to friends. Then, when Guild Wars 2 arrives, each of these monuments will correspond to special features your Guild Wars 2 characters can "inherit" from your own legendary past, giving you access to exclusive titles, companions (Heroes and pets), weapons, attire, and miniatures. These inherited items are unique: there is no other way within Guild Wars 2 to acquire them.

I like this idea, b/c seems like items and heros will still be an important part in the GW economy and the way the game is played.
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And for those looking even further down the road at Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars: Eye of the North will provide a Hall of Monuments where players' accomplishments are memorialized and eventually inherited by their Guild Wars 2 characters, unlocking exclusive items and bonuses in Guild Wars 2.

well, while that doesnt make me feel any better about having to restart, at least it makes me feel like my characters werent in vain. at least my new characters in GW2 will have some ties from GW. either way, i still have mixed feelings about GW2
I'm pretty excited about the announcement especially after reading the articles in the May issue of PCGamer. GW2 will not have a lvl 20 cap on it. It will be much higher. There will be a persistent world much like other MMOs with monthly fees. There will still be some instance areas but most of the world will be persistent. There will still be no monthly fee for GW2.

Eye of the North will reintroduce the Charr as a foe and introduce other races that will be playable in GW2. The Charr will be a playable race in GW2. Most of the content in EotN will be designed for veteran players. It also said something that I interpreted (possibly wrong) as saying that you would be able to go above lvl 20 in EotN. Again, I may be wrong because that might throw off the balance.

At any rate, it all sounds pretty good to me.
At the very least, GW2 will be a 'Good' reason to upgrade. whether that be a couple of things.....or a whole new PC/Laptop

That's something to get excited about.........TOYS!!!
I'm not so big on the persistent areas, really. I like being instanced, where I can choose who to hang out with...and leave the perverts and idiots out.
Indeed. I like that feature too. Just from experience, it was a real pain in EVE. Anyone could shoot at you and take your stuff....there are 'safe' areas...but if another group wardecs you well....those are gone. So there really wasn't much of logging in to run had to be on your toes the whole time.

Now what would be neat would be a way to get invited to someone's instance for those that show up to FoW runs an hour late...:(
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Now what would be neat would be a way to get invited to someone's instance for those that show up to FoW runs an hour late...:(

That would be soooooo cool! But I'm sure they would have to limit it so if you are doing a mission then someone cant come in at the end of the missions and complete it.

I think it would be a neat feature to be able to join groups in FoW, UW, questing...etc and replace a hero or henchie.